Monday, March 29, 2010

Lil Wayne is that sizzurp making you brain dead; yes

Lil Wayne you used to be one of the hottest rappers out but now your just on some other shit.

The tattoos. What the hell is going through your brain when you got half of them. I mean you got your damn eyelids tatted up. Come on even 2pac had some discretion when it came to inking up. Are you planning to die soon because if you grow to be old your going to feel so stupid for getting your whole torso tatted and most of them are pretty gay (you got Birdman on your arm). your entourage needs to keep the needle and ink away from you, you dumbass. You look like the wall in the hood that everyone tries graffiti on. Have some damn class or at least some damn sense, and most the tattoos look like they don't have a lot of personal meaning.

Your music- your a good rapper but your so damn overrated. I don't care that you get tons of radio play because I don't hear dead prez or mos def on the radio. The people who think your the best rapper alive are white girls who love all your generic club songs and know nothing about real rap music. The Carter 3 was shit, it had a few good songs but I think that you were trying to make that the CD you would be remembered for and although it sold very well, it wasn't very good. Sheeeeeeeeit I'm glad I didn't buy it. The Dedication 2, now that was the high point of your career as of now. and you've released so many damn mixtapes its not funny. I don't know what your on but dude your music is starting to suck to the point that if your the best rapper alive this white boy right here may start rapping because the competition is gone. AND STOP USING AUTOTUNE, YOUR NOT T-Pain, and that shit is getting old. Stop riding autotunes dick and make some actual songs that aren't so bad they have to be sung like your an alien.

Guns- you can rap all you want about using guns but face the facts. your dumbass shot yourself when you were 13, and not in a gun fight over a drug deal gone wrong. You were dancing to a Biggie music video in your room. How dumb do you have to be to shoot yourself while dancing with a loaded gun. sheeeeeeeit even Plexico had better sense then that. And now your in jail for having an illegal firearm. You dumbass, your rich; you pay people to hold your drugs and weapons, that way when you get caught they gotta take the charges. Even I know about that. (On a different note all those tattoos will look really sexy to some guy in jail for life when your in the shower, don't drop the soap or that asshole gon get poked)

I'm not one to condemn drug use within reason but you do drugs like their going out of style. I cant even begin to imagine all the lines of blow that have been snorted on your tour buses. And that purple drank you love so much killed Pimp C (R.I.P.) so yeah, and I think that's starting to kill off what few brain cells you still have. And with you always being so fucked up its gotta be real easy for your inner circle to be taking all that money you made, and you won't even notice.

But like I said, I can't even imagine all the coke Weezy has snorted.

The kids- Wayne your such a shitty role model for all the Lil young G's out there trying make that paper. I think your brain dead personally you just seem to be getting more retarded as your career goes on. Hell T.I. is a better role model then you. Even the late Ol' Dirty Bastard did more for the kids then you.

In conclusion Wayne you used to be that little black boy with the corn rows in the Hot Boys and now your just another dumbass rapper who raps about ignorant shit. And personally Lollipopp was one your worst songs ever.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Stop the violence (or at least put the guns down)

Cincinnati what the hell is going on. Is it really necessary to turn our streets into a fucking a war zone, I mean come on its 2010! 2010! put down your guns and go do something. Read a damn book, write rap verses, smoke some weed but stop shooting each other. And not to center this on race but lets be real its mostly black people doing the shooting and getting shot. Okay we elected a black president, what more do you want. Damn. People need to stop shooting it out and just fight it out, like in the ending of the movie Friday (you got knocked the fuck out!). You can't just shoot people.

Chris Rock's Knives for Guns very funny
Chris rock we need you in Cincinnati.

and black people (some white too) stop shooting people for dumb reasons is it really worth spending many years in jail because someone scuffed your shoes. I love my shoes, theres nothing like a nice pair of kicks but if someone steps on them I'm not killing them because I'm not retarded, their shoes, hell the guy making them gets 25 cents an hour. I mean people think if its really worth taking someones life. I know that it isn't all blacks fault its the culture they embrace, and the fact that in many of those people in these streets don't have nearly as many opportunities for success as someone like my peers but shooting each other doesn't help but create more victims.
and stop shooting in the day. Have some sense and at least wait till there aren't people outside.

and witnesses your just as bad if you just tell the police "I ain't seen nothin." and I'm not saying to snitch but its different if your snitching because you got arrested. That's a bitch move but if people are killing people in the streets then those people shouldn't be on the streets.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hot boys a decade later (no homo)

Hot boys a decade later.

Colton Harris-Moore: A modern day outlaw we can all cheer for

For the most part crime isn't something to glorify but once in a while someone like Colton Harris-Moore pops up and captivates the public.

google: Colton Harris-Moore there's a ton of articles about him.

He's 18 and has been on a massive crime spree and developed a dedicated cult following. He's expected in at LEAST 50 burglaries. Stole a Mercedes Benz in which he led police in a high speed chase in and crashed then got away, stole speedboats, AND most amazingly stole three small aircraft's and flew them all and survived. The amazing thing was this kid had never even taken flying lessons or been in a plane, and learned all he needed from reading plane manuals. This kid has some balls, and in these tough economic times we need people like Colton to give us an underdog to believe in.

Interesting stuff:

  • Committed many of his crimes barefoot which led to the moniker the barefoot bandit.

  • Used credit cards from houses he broke into to buy high tech equipment like night-vision goggles.

  • Flew three stolen planes and watched away from all his landings which were not that nice.

  • First committed of receiving property at the age of 13

  • Escaped capture many times.

  • Pacific northwest legend and even on shirts sold in local stores.

All in all this kid is really smart. Not many people can break into
over 50 residences and get away from cops numerous times. Hide out in the wilderness, teach yourself how to fly airplanes and do it without even ever taking a flight lesson or being in a airplane.
So Run Colton Run and keep sticking it to the man. and if a cop runs up on you with his shit aimed at you, drop his ass because its his life or yours and we all know how trigger happy cops are (at least your white). I don't condone killing officers of the law but it is what it is, and the cops out for Colton are pissed as hell because he's made all the investigators look like complete dumbasses.
Keep it real and stay pimping the system if the system pimps you.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tiger is back. Golfs Lebron James is coming back to the greens

First I'd just like to say that I think Tiger Woods is a amazing golfer. I don't follow golf; actually I haven't ever played a round of golf. But the public knows one thing about Tiger thats 100% true: He's really good at golf. As a person thats a different story.

Tiger Woods achieved so much fame and wealth from his golf skills, but before this affair fiasco I thought Tiger Woods had a regular family situation. I mean have you seen his wife. I never thought he would be giving private putting lessons to so many women on the low. I mean when your worth over $100 Million dollars, and are a sports top athlete of your time you have to know that your public image is so important to your continued abundance in cash flow. One lady on the side is not good, but 11. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiit Tiger what did you expect you dumbass. And it wasn't a one time isolated event, 11 affairs. Porn stars and waiters I mean Tiger you are addicted to pussy. I'm sure there is at least one sex tape floating around. Not condoning your cheating but you at least could have covered your ass a little more.

You handled it really bad too. I mean dropping off the face of the world only to have your first sign of existence since the crash being paparazzi pictures of you at a sex addiction rehab place didn't help. I mean the tabloids and media went to town on your ass. They were right to though because you are clearly full of shit and 11 girls showed us anything is possible with you; on and off the green. The girls said you are into some greasy stuff to. You had so many mistresses you make some of even the most unfaithful presidents look like childs play. I can't even trust you anymore. The first time you made a public statement it was so scripted and fake. It was clearly visible that you paid for that speech, and I don't really think you fooled anyone. You would still be tapping those asses if you weren't caught. I think your going to try to go back with your wife (and Tiger your wife is pretty hot and you have money, buy a lambo and just drive fast, play tennis, which I could see you being good at) and all the paparazzi are going to be on your shit so much. I still think your a good athlete, but a shitty person. You clearly thought that rules and morals didn't apply to you because of your wealth and iconic status. You have a problem to; it seems like your a robot that needs sex to stay charged. It seems like everything you do is planned, scripted, precisely calculated and overall just fake.

News stories about the texts woods sent to one mistresses. Some of them are very dirty: slapping, choking, 3 somes, golden showers (R. Kelly anyone, "I want to piss on you"), and other weird stuff

You did make golf somewhat more interesting though, but I'm still not watching golf.