Mixtapes have revolutionized the rap music industry, and allowed lots of great rappers breakthrough and get into the limelight. But if there's one thing I love/hate its mixtape covers. Never have CD covers been so crappy and photoshopped.
Things commonly seen on mixtape covers:
-Cocaine (nothing says mixtape like a couple bricks of blow on the cover)
-Scales (because you gotta have something to weigh out your drugs)
-Nice cars
-Women (usually with nice asses, this is rap were talking about)
-Integration of movie themes
This is the cover of Rick Ross's new mixtape (which the title dick rides the name of a mobster, Ross just loves to use others names to bolster his street cred).
Whats up with the hat and what the hell is he wearing.
Camron Mixtape:
First off you'll notice the Scarface theme with the background colors down to the coke on the table. And of course you got the stacks of money in their to. How original.
This one has your essiential crack rocks, dirty money, and a fire-arm. On a side note this tape looks like crap.
Going with a recent theme of a popular movie.
This should've never have been made. Look how gay this looks, I mean come on jersey shore and mixtapes don't mix. Jersey shore and anything should'nt be mixed.
This combines the cocaine with a movie theme. Cocaine+Nightmare on Elm Street=Nightmare on Coke Street
And of course your scantily clothed ladies with big asses. Do yo thang girls.
Those are some shitty mixtape covers. But hey in an industry where record sales are at an all time low I think we can all agree that when it comes to mixtapes it is what it is.
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