Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sarah Palin: The Ultimate Hustler

Warning: If you like Sarah Palin just stop reading right here and go to different website. You will be offended!

So I got that out of the way. Sarah Palin has earned $12 Million in 9 months( doing her speaking engagements around the country and even internationally. Sarah Palin is the picture of corrupt and crappy politicians. She resigned as governor of Alaska (Does anyone vote in Alaska or was the other candidate a junkie or something) because she "couldn't do her job because of ethics investigations." I think she resigned because she knew that she was about to get in trouble for something and she knew she could make money doing what she is doing now. How bad is that. If the people vote for you; you finish your term. You don't resign because your about to get in trouble. Also Palin totally ruined McCains campaign. McCain was old, if he died I would not want Sarah Palin to run this country. Its not because she's a woman, its because she is retarded and just out for the money, and she would make us look dumber then Bush did. Even her campaign advisers said that she wasn't prepared, didn't know her info, and had to call Joe Biden, Joe in their debate because she kept saying his last name as Obiden.
Sarah get that money while you can. Personally I would never pay to see you speak, or probably go if it was free. You pretty much just tell the audiences what they want to hear: "we don't want Obama's change", "we need to take the government back". She is a sell out, and anyone who votes for her in the future is dumb.
She's just so damn greedy, why don't you talk to the people for free you power and money hungry hockey mom.

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