Monday, May 17, 2010

Gulf coast oil spill: big oil screws gulf coast

On April 20th a blowout well on a oil rig off the Gulf Coast blew up and caused a massive oil spill. First off, how corrupt are our elected officials that they would allow oil companies drill off-shore with little to virtually no government oversight. I mean how did they let that happen, because the oil companies ignored multiple safety procedures. Now almost a month later the companies involved are still pointing the finger at each other trying to pass off the blame so they don't have to pay damages and take responsibility. I mean why doesn't the government hold them all accountable. This was supposed to be a safe procedure, and there were supposed to be many safeguards all which weren't effective. This spill is going to hurt if not eliminate the fishing industry in the gulf coast for at least this year. Also this is going to wreak havoc on the eco system as well. Tourism along the ocean will also be effective since I doubt people will want to go to a beach that is oil slick brown, that isn't to appealing to me at least.
Since the upper executives at Transocean and BP were negligent in this being prevented lets fine them an outrageous amount because you know that will get their attention. They better pay for: the clean-up, effected businesses and industries, repairing the ecosystem, and a huge settlement to the families of those people who died on the explosion on the rig (I'm talking more than 10 Mil).
Also if the oil companies raise the gas prices on us because of this, boy I swear we better go to their offices and fuck their shit up. I'm not paying for their mistake. I had nothing to do with that, you know what I was doing on the 20th of April and it damn sure wasn't causing a oil spill.
Why are we still using oil when we could use hemp, and grow it here creating American jobs.
Also we need to find out who the politicians were who supported this and probably took some money from the oil companies. And we need to make sure not to elect these people again. Our politicians should not be this corrupt, and we need to do something about it. And I'm thinking some 19th century style justice.

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