Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Miami University Had The Pukiest, Poopiest, Sexiest Spring Formal Ever

Miami University in Oxford, Ohio which is the alma mater of Ben Rapelisberge, fuck it I'll just post the story.


This is the best article about this messed up party, includes letter written to school and police reports.

-who poops outside, and it wasn't just one person.
-They left behind 37 30 packs of Nati Light. Either their lightweights which if you got people pooping outside I mean that speaks for itself.
-These students are such assholes with no respect for others property. Just because you rented the place doesn't mean you can destroy it; I know some people in frats and sororities think they can get away with anything but this is to much. Personally I think these students should be expelled from school. There's no place for that kind of behavior at a place of higher education, and this is from someone who by no means stays out of trouble, I just know when to much is to much.
-These people's parents should all be notified and sent a copy of the letters because I'm sure their parents are paying them to be in these organizations.
-Greek organizations should be under tighter watch and scrutiny, and should be banned from hazing. I don't see why to show your loyalty you have to let people treat you like shit and take advantage of you.
-Have some damn class. Girls peeing in sinks, people taking shits outside, having sex in the caterers closet. and if I worked at that place I would've called the cops on those kids.
-America's college and high school students do not know how to drink safely.
-Youth these days drink to much and smoke marijuana less. If these kids were high none of this would've happened.... okay not a lot of it.

-As an American college student its time we start acting like the leaders of tomorrow. I'm not saying we can't drink some beer, or smoke some weed but people shouldn't be going out drinking everyday during the week. As Americans we have a lot of opportunities but it seems like we don't wanna take advantage of them.
Knowledge is power, and we need to get power. Its no wonder the terrorist hate us, I mean turn on MTV, BET, or so many other cable channels. Were filling ourselves with ignorance. Students these days don't have the balls to protest for injustices, or stand up and fight for their rights.

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