Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Colton Harris-Moore: A modern day outlaw we can all cheer for

For the most part crime isn't something to glorify but once in a while someone like Colton Harris-Moore pops up and captivates the public.

google: Colton Harris-Moore there's a ton of articles about him.

He's 18 and has been on a massive crime spree and developed a dedicated cult following. He's expected in at LEAST 50 burglaries. Stole a Mercedes Benz in which he led police in a high speed chase in and crashed then got away, stole speedboats, AND most amazingly stole three small aircraft's and flew them all and survived. The amazing thing was this kid had never even taken flying lessons or been in a plane, and learned all he needed from reading plane manuals. This kid has some balls, and in these tough economic times we need people like Colton to give us an underdog to believe in.

Interesting stuff:

  • Committed many of his crimes barefoot which led to the moniker the barefoot bandit.

  • Used credit cards from houses he broke into to buy high tech equipment like night-vision goggles.

  • Flew three stolen planes and watched away from all his landings which were not that nice.

  • First committed of receiving property at the age of 13

  • Escaped capture many times.

  • Pacific northwest legend and even on shirts sold in local stores.

All in all this kid is really smart. Not many people can break into
over 50 residences and get away from cops numerous times. Hide out in the wilderness, teach yourself how to fly airplanes and do it without even ever taking a flight lesson or being in a airplane.
So Run Colton Run and keep sticking it to the man. and if a cop runs up on you with his shit aimed at you, drop his ass because its his life or yours and we all know how trigger happy cops are (at least your white). I don't condone killing officers of the law but it is what it is, and the cops out for Colton are pissed as hell because he's made all the investigators look like complete dumbasses.
Keep it real and stay pimping the system if the system pimps you.

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