Friday, March 26, 2010

Stop the violence (or at least put the guns down)

Cincinnati what the hell is going on. Is it really necessary to turn our streets into a fucking a war zone, I mean come on its 2010! 2010! put down your guns and go do something. Read a damn book, write rap verses, smoke some weed but stop shooting each other. And not to center this on race but lets be real its mostly black people doing the shooting and getting shot. Okay we elected a black president, what more do you want. Damn. People need to stop shooting it out and just fight it out, like in the ending of the movie Friday (you got knocked the fuck out!). You can't just shoot people.

Chris Rock's Knives for Guns very funny
Chris rock we need you in Cincinnati.

and black people (some white too) stop shooting people for dumb reasons is it really worth spending many years in jail because someone scuffed your shoes. I love my shoes, theres nothing like a nice pair of kicks but if someone steps on them I'm not killing them because I'm not retarded, their shoes, hell the guy making them gets 25 cents an hour. I mean people think if its really worth taking someones life. I know that it isn't all blacks fault its the culture they embrace, and the fact that in many of those people in these streets don't have nearly as many opportunities for success as someone like my peers but shooting each other doesn't help but create more victims.
and stop shooting in the day. Have some sense and at least wait till there aren't people outside.

and witnesses your just as bad if you just tell the police "I ain't seen nothin." and I'm not saying to snitch but its different if your snitching because you got arrested. That's a bitch move but if people are killing people in the streets then those people shouldn't be on the streets.

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