Monday, March 22, 2010

Tiger is back. Golfs Lebron James is coming back to the greens

First I'd just like to say that I think Tiger Woods is a amazing golfer. I don't follow golf; actually I haven't ever played a round of golf. But the public knows one thing about Tiger thats 100% true: He's really good at golf. As a person thats a different story.

Tiger Woods achieved so much fame and wealth from his golf skills, but before this affair fiasco I thought Tiger Woods had a regular family situation. I mean have you seen his wife. I never thought he would be giving private putting lessons to so many women on the low. I mean when your worth over $100 Million dollars, and are a sports top athlete of your time you have to know that your public image is so important to your continued abundance in cash flow. One lady on the side is not good, but 11. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiit Tiger what did you expect you dumbass. And it wasn't a one time isolated event, 11 affairs. Porn stars and waiters I mean Tiger you are addicted to pussy. I'm sure there is at least one sex tape floating around. Not condoning your cheating but you at least could have covered your ass a little more.

You handled it really bad too. I mean dropping off the face of the world only to have your first sign of existence since the crash being paparazzi pictures of you at a sex addiction rehab place didn't help. I mean the tabloids and media went to town on your ass. They were right to though because you are clearly full of shit and 11 girls showed us anything is possible with you; on and off the green. The girls said you are into some greasy stuff to. You had so many mistresses you make some of even the most unfaithful presidents look like childs play. I can't even trust you anymore. The first time you made a public statement it was so scripted and fake. It was clearly visible that you paid for that speech, and I don't really think you fooled anyone. You would still be tapping those asses if you weren't caught. I think your going to try to go back with your wife (and Tiger your wife is pretty hot and you have money, buy a lambo and just drive fast, play tennis, which I could see you being good at) and all the paparazzi are going to be on your shit so much. I still think your a good athlete, but a shitty person. You clearly thought that rules and morals didn't apply to you because of your wealth and iconic status. You have a problem to; it seems like your a robot that needs sex to stay charged. It seems like everything you do is planned, scripted, precisely calculated and overall just fake.

News stories about the texts woods sent to one mistresses. Some of them are very dirty: slapping, choking, 3 somes, golden showers (R. Kelly anyone, "I want to piss on you"), and other weird stuff

You did make golf somewhat more interesting though, but I'm still not watching golf.

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