Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Arizona Immigration Controversy Issue: Another Perspective
After Arizona introduced their controversial law:
U.S. federal law requires certain aliens to register with the U.S. government,[5] and to have registration documents in their possession at all times.[6] The Arizona Act additionally makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying the required documents,[7] bars state or local officials or agencies from restricting enforcement of federal immigration laws,[8] and cracks down on those sheltering, hiring and transporting illegal aliens.[9] The paragraph on intent in the legislation says it embodies an "attrition through enforcement" doctrine."
Well everyone was outraged at Arizona's percieved racism; we must remember that its the federal governments job to protect the border and enforce immigration laws. The Fed. Gov. has been doing neither of those and our border is easy for people to cross in hopes of better lives. It's also easy to smuggle drugs, weapons, sex workers, criminals, and other things we don't want in America. Maybe, Arizona, as a border state is sick of the Fed. Gov. not doing their job. Maybe Arizona wanted to create a controversy to bring some attention to the issue and the failures of the Fed. Gov. I have to believe that this law wouldn't be enforced strictly, and would just be used to add another charge in cases where an illegal alien is arrested, or something of that sort.
Instead of everyone getting outraged at the law; why don't we get outraged at the lack of control by the Fed. Gov.of our border. I mean our tax payer money is going to the entity that is charge of the borders. If their not doing anything I want my tax money back damnit.
U.S. federal law requires certain aliens to register with the U.S. government,[5] and to have registration documents in their possession at all times.[6] The Arizona Act additionally makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying the required documents,[7] bars state or local officials or agencies from restricting enforcement of federal immigration laws,[8] and cracks down on those sheltering, hiring and transporting illegal aliens.[9] The paragraph on intent in the legislation says it embodies an "attrition through enforcement" doctrine."
Well everyone was outraged at Arizona's percieved racism; we must remember that its the federal governments job to protect the border and enforce immigration laws. The Fed. Gov. has been doing neither of those and our border is easy for people to cross in hopes of better lives. It's also easy to smuggle drugs, weapons, sex workers, criminals, and other things we don't want in America. Maybe, Arizona, as a border state is sick of the Fed. Gov. not doing their job. Maybe Arizona wanted to create a controversy to bring some attention to the issue and the failures of the Fed. Gov. I have to believe that this law wouldn't be enforced strictly, and would just be used to add another charge in cases where an illegal alien is arrested, or something of that sort.
Instead of everyone getting outraged at the law; why don't we get outraged at the lack of control by the Fed. Gov.of our border. I mean our tax payer money is going to the entity that is charge of the borders. If their not doing anything I want my tax money back damnit.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Goodbye, Marlboro Lights. Hello, Marlboro Gold Pack.
" Goodbye, Marlboro Lights. Hello, Marlboro Gold Pack.
"Light" cigarettes are going up in smoke by the end of June, but their names and packaging are getting a colorful makeover.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says cigarette packs no longer can feature names such as "light," "mild," "medium" or "low," which many smokers wrongly think are less harmful than "full-flavor" cigarettes.
Cigarette makers are replacing those words with colors such as gold, silver, blue and orange on brands that make up more than half of the smokes sold across the country. "
Is the government now going to force beers to be called Miller-Blue, Budweiser-Blue instead of light.
Any reasonable person would know that smoking isn't good. While smoking "light" cigarettes may be less damaging in the long run (older age). Light cigs are just as addicting though, and you may as well be smoking menthols (as long as it isn't cold). I like my cigarettes and I don't get lights because I like nicotine. If I was going to smoke lights then why smoke in the first place.
I don't mind government controlling stuff but making light cigs become colors like "Gold" might not be the best message to the kids. And isn't associating cigarettes with colors likely to get children s attention.
Why can't the government let us buy cigarettes for like $2.oo a pack. I dont see why theres all this anti-smoker friendly movement going around. Yes smoking is bad for you, smoking light cigs is just as bad as other types. I'll still smoke, but I don't smoke lights because I'm a man (not trying to sound sexist).
Sunday, July 18, 2010
America's Justice System for the Wealthy,-95.677068&sspn=32.335236,78.662109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=8740+Old+Indian+Hill+Rd,+Cincinnati,+Hamilton,+Ohio+45243&ll=39.162011,-84.340539&spn=0.01544,0.038409&z=15
Schlotman, listed as a Sibcy Cline Realtor at the time of his February arrest, was charged with selling marijuana from the home in the 8700 block of Old Indian Hill Road.
He pleaded guilty April 7 to four counts of trafficking in marijuana in exchange for having three other charges dismissed by prosecutors. A Hamilton County grand jury also declined to issue indictments on two other drug trafficking charges brought by prosecutors.
When Schlotman came before the judge Wednesday, she could have sent him to prison for up to four years but the charges against him, the lowest-level felonies in Ohio, carry the presumption of probation.
The judge said she was encouraged to hammer Schlotman because of his background but refused.
"I sort of tend to agree with many people (who) think that you have to pay the price, and that you've just been a lucky, wealthy, rich boy from Indian Hill and that I should be punishing you for that reason, (that) I would make a scapegoat out of you," Allen said.
Allen believes Schlotman is an alcoholic who also is addicted to marijuana.
In addition to the three years on probation, the judge also ordered him under house arrest for 90 days, suspended his driver's license for three years and ordered him to pay restitution of $1,476 - the amount of money he accepted from the undercover agent to whom he sold marijuana.
She warned him that if he violated his probation, she would send him to prison for four years.
Schlotman had legal troubles before. He was caught speeding and with a suspended license in Indian Hill in 2006. He refused a test that would have determined the amount of alcohol in his system and his license was revoked for three years.
ordered him to pay restitution of $1,476 - the amount of money he accepted from the undercover agent to whom he sold marijuana. $1,476 in 1 transaction; he was obviously selling lots of weed and he gets probation. This kid wasn't selling drugs to pay rent I mean he was living in the million dollar house his mom was selling. His parents most have paid a lot for his lawyer. I wonder if the drug dealer who can't get a job, and is actually forced to sell drugs for money because thats all they know.,-95.677068&sspn=32.335236,78.662109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=8740+Old+Indian+Hill+Rd,+Cincinnati,+Hamilton,+Ohio+45243&ll=39.162011,-84.340539&spn=0.01544,0.038409&z=15
Schlotman, listed as a Sibcy Cline Realtor at the time of his February arrest, was charged with selling marijuana from the home in the 8700 block of Old Indian Hill Road.
He pleaded guilty April 7 to four counts of trafficking in marijuana in exchange for having three other charges dismissed by prosecutors. A Hamilton County grand jury also declined to issue indictments on two other drug trafficking charges brought by prosecutors.
When Schlotman came before the judge Wednesday, she could have sent him to prison for up to four years but the charges against him, the lowest-level felonies in Ohio, carry the presumption of probation.
The judge said she was encouraged to hammer Schlotman because of his background but refused.
"I sort of tend to agree with many people (who) think that you have to pay the price, and that you've just been a lucky, wealthy, rich boy from Indian Hill and that I should be punishing you for that reason, (that) I would make a scapegoat out of you," Allen said.
Allen believes Schlotman is an alcoholic who also is addicted to marijuana.
In addition to the three years on probation, the judge also ordered him under house arrest for 90 days, suspended his driver's license for three years and ordered him to pay restitution of $1,476 - the amount of money he accepted from the undercover agent to whom he sold marijuana.
She warned him that if he violated his probation, she would send him to prison for four years.
Schlotman had legal troubles before. He was caught speeding and with a suspended license in Indian Hill in 2006. He refused a test that would have determined the amount of alcohol in his system and his license was revoked for three years.
ordered him to pay restitution of $1,476 - the amount of money he accepted from the undercover agent to whom he sold marijuana. $1,476 in 1 transaction; he was obviously selling lots of weed and he gets probation. This kid wasn't selling drugs to pay rent I mean he was living in the million dollar house his mom was selling. His parents most have paid a lot for his lawyer. I wonder if the drug dealer who can't get a job, and is actually forced to sell drugs for money because thats all they know.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A Letter to Brett Farve
Dear Brett Farve,
Every football fan knows how much you love the game; hell your like the football version of Cal Ripken Jr.. Whether or not someone likes you as a player, they can't knock the determination or hustle with which you play.Its time to call it a career because this is what I see happening to you:
You will be on a passing play and holding on to the ball in the pocket and some rookie trying to make a name for themselves is going to blindside you and fuck your shit up.
I commend you for wanting to keep playing and taking hits and still not giving up but you should retire and not be taken out of the game because you got really injured by some thuggish linebacker.
Every football fan knows how much you love the game; hell your like the football version of Cal Ripken Jr.. Whether or not someone likes you as a player, they can't knock the determination or hustle with which you play.Its time to call it a career because this is what I see happening to you:
You will be on a passing play and holding on to the ball in the pocket and some rookie trying to make a name for themselves is going to blindside you and fuck your shit up.
I commend you for wanting to keep playing and taking hits and still not giving up but you should retire and not be taken out of the game because you got really injured by some thuggish linebacker.
brett farve,
cal ripken,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Apple Ipod/Itunes: a love and deep hatred relationship. How we must DEMAND MORE
My dad's 80GB Ipod Classic is somewhat broke (yeah, 80 GB, we do it big around here). The Ipod got messed up when I updated my Itunes and for some reason Itunes decided it was going to fuck up a lot of people's Ipod Classics. Now Itunes wont recognize the Ipod (while Windows Explorer recognizes it), so now I can't add/remove any music. Now, I can't put new music on his Ipod, because of ITUNES, and Apple wants me to pay to talk to customer service. I don't know if other people think this way but if I'm going to spend $150+ on an MP3 player I want it to not be broken by the software I'm required to use it with. Apple wants us to have to buy a new ipod every 2+ years and hopes we'll just get used to them breaking out of warranty and having to repeat the process. IPODS should last 10+ years, battery replacements necessary of course.
My complaints against Apple/Itunes/Ipod:
- Little to no customer service after warranty expires.
- Itunes has messed up lots of Ipods (Especially Classics and Nano) and people have had to waste time trying to fix them and the problem still hasn't been fixed, and thats Apple's fault. I shouldn't have to get a new MP3 player because your required software is defective.
- Requiring users to use Itunes. I like certain things about Itunes (ex. I love podcasts), but Itunes takes up a lot of memory, and can make the computer operate slower. ALSO ON ITUNES YOU CAN'T TAKE MUSIC OFF A IPOD.
- Apple and their stores do not try to help police recover Ipods that are stolen, and usually wont help people who bring in a lost ipod get it to the owner who lost it. This isn't a huge deal, but Ipods are often stolen and or lost, and there's little you can do once its stolen or lost.
- Podcasts. I love the variety of podcasts available on Itunes and the internet. I think podcasts have really played a role in Apple separating the Ipod from other MP3 players. Podcasts are free! Also many radi0 stations now make shows available as podcasts.
- Ipod simplicity. The Ipod is easy to use, small, and light.
- I can put videos (TV, Movies, Sports, or any video) onto my ipod and watch them on the TV with just a cheap cable from eBay. This is so useful.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Lebron's Decision
We now know Lebron's choice of where he will be playing next year, the Heat. As a Ohio resident I was disappointed that he didn't stay in Cleveland but business is business and the free market is a bitch. I think he will have a better chance of getting a ring in Miami but I think he handled the whole situation very poorly. Through out the whole process it was clear that Lebron was milking this for all he could, and that showed us a side of Lebron that wasn't seen before. An egotistical douche bag. Lebron stabbed the city of Cleveland in the back in front of the whole country. Also lets remember that while Lebron is one of the best players in the NBA at the moment he still doesn't have a ring and when he's close to getting one he seems to ruitinely choke. In the playoffs against the Celtics he did horrible in the last couple games, and whether the thing about his mom and Delonte West is true a real superstar can keep their emotions from affecting their game. Also Lebron will now be sharing the spotlight with D-Wade and that will be interesting to see if he can play the role of a Scottie Pippen. Many of basketballs greats stayed in one city for their careers and have had a loyalty to their city, and that isn't the case for Lebron anymore. One thing we can take from this is Lebron is becoming the athlete we used to love him for not being. We can now question whether he wants to build his brand or play the game. One thing is for sure though: Lebron still doesn't have anything on Kobe, and I'm sure many people like Kobe more than they used to.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Vick vs. Roethlisberger vs. Russell
Vick: Bankrolled dog fighting operation, and took part in killing of dogs who underperformed. Had birthday party which was open to public and his co defendant from dog fighting case got shot. Gave some lady an STD (Ron Mexico!).
Roethlisberger: The NFL's biggest Creeper. Loves to drink, expose himself, and rape women in bathrooms. Like his play on the field; Roethlisberger is a master of avoiding getting sacked by the cops like linebackers. Also a fan of riding his motorcycle with no helmet.
Jarmarcus Russell: One of the biggest draft busts in sports history was busted again recently by police for having codiene without a prescription.
Winner: Vick hands down. Russell comes in last place because he was moving slow cause of that Purple Drank.
Winner: Roethlisberger takes this. Russell couldn't throw a football to save his life anymore. Vick may have speed but his arm has always been a concern although he is much better than Russell.
Vick: Fuck Yall, I keep it real.
Roethlisberger: Buy them some drinks, get them drunk, and make one give me a quickie. (Rules don't apply to NFL QB's)
Russell: Life's a bitch, I miss college.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Michael Vick can you be any dumber.
Michael Vick you are a dumbass. The dog fighting thing was horrible. You made it out the hood, but you just can't leave the hood behind. Now theirs a shooting at your birthday party, which you had open to the public and advertised on the radio. Did it not go across your small brain that that could be a bad idea. And the guy who was shot was your co-defendant in the dog fighting fiasco. I don't think that your dumb enough to have commited the shooting yourself but I think that you probably had something to do with it. Goodell is gonna get all up in your ass.
"Quanis Phillips, former dog-fighting buddy of Michael Vick, was shot after crashing the NFL quarterbacks birthday party at Guadalajara nightclub in Virginia Beach over the weekend. Witnesses say that Phillips, who was an uninvited guest, was asked to leave the party by Vick and his brother. Phillips became irate with Vick and after some bickering Phillips slapped a piece of birthday cake off the plate of a witness and into the face of the NFL star. “Michael didn’t react. I was surprised,” a witness at the bash said."
Come on Vick grow up and stop being a stereotypical dumb black athlete who can't leave his past behind.
"Quanis Phillips, former dog-fighting buddy of Michael Vick, was shot after crashing the NFL quarterbacks birthday party at Guadalajara nightclub in Virginia Beach over the weekend. Witnesses say that Phillips, who was an uninvited guest, was asked to leave the party by Vick and his brother. Phillips became irate with Vick and after some bickering Phillips slapped a piece of birthday cake off the plate of a witness and into the face of the NFL star. “Michael didn’t react. I was surprised,” a witness at the bash said."
Come on Vick grow up and stop being a stereotypical dumb black athlete who can't leave his past behind.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Mos Def Playlist
Mos Def is one of the most underrated MC's. Like Dead Prez, The Roots, and Talib Kweli Mos Def does not receive any airplay on the radio at least in Cincinnati.
Beef ain't the Summer Jam for Hot 97
Beef is the cocaine and AIDS epidemic
Beef don't come with a radio edit
Beef is when the judge is callin' you "defendant"
Beef, it comes with a long jail sentence
Handed down to you in a few short minutes
-New World Water
-Mr. Nigga
-Universal Magnetic
-Mrs. Fat Booty 2 Ft. Ghostface Killah
-Thug is a Drug
-Crime and Medicine
-Dollar Day (surprise Surprise)
These are just a few. DL his discography at:
His newest cd which is also very good is not on there. If you like the music support the artist (but you don't have to buy their CD's. Lets face it I'm not spending $10+ when the artist is getting 10% percent of that. Go to their concerts or mail them a dollar or two maybe.)
Beef ain't the Summer Jam for Hot 97
Beef is the cocaine and AIDS epidemic
Beef don't come with a radio edit
Beef is when the judge is callin' you "defendant"
Beef, it comes with a long jail sentence
Handed down to you in a few short minutes
-New World Water
-Mr. Nigga
-Universal Magnetic
-Mrs. Fat Booty 2 Ft. Ghostface Killah
-Thug is a Drug
-Crime and Medicine
-Dollar Day (surprise Surprise)
These are just a few. DL his discography at:
His newest cd which is also very good is not on there. If you like the music support the artist (but you don't have to buy their CD's. Lets face it I'm not spending $10+ when the artist is getting 10% percent of that. Go to their concerts or mail them a dollar or two maybe.)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My Ultimate Dead Prez Playlist
Dead Prez is one of the best rap groups out right now, and in honor of their new mixtape I'm making my ultimate Dead Prez playlist. Turn off the radio, Turn off that bullshit.

Goin thru difficult time
Writin my life story in rhyme
But when I look at all the niggas
They hit with mad time
In proportion with the big king pins it don't fit
You could get caught with barely a half a slab
And the judge sentence you like you ran the ave
I ain't plan to get rich fom sellin that shit
It was survival
My game plan was not to get knocked by 5-0
But who am i
Just a young nigga caught in the mix
And if this weed don't sell i'm'a cop me a brick

Let's Get Free (Dead Prez's debut album):
-"Hip-Hop" -"Who shot Biggie Smalls/If we don't get them they gon' get us all, I'm down for runnin' up on them crackers in they City Hall."
- "Police State"
- "Psychology"
- "Animal in Man" - Retells the George Orwell book Animal Farm.
- "It's Bigger Than Hip-Hop"
- "Psychology"

Turn off the Radio Vol. 1
"Sellin' D.O.P.E." – 3:24 (This is one of my favorite songs)
Turn Off The Radio: The Mixtape Vol. 2-Get Free Or Die Tryin'
Fuck The Law
Coming Of Age
Tallahassee Days
Window To My Soul (great song about Stic-Mans brothers addiction to crack cocaine)
Out In The World
03. Don’t Hate My Grind (Feat. Bun B)
04. Warpath (Feat. Ratfink)
13. $timulus Plan
Turn Off the Radio Vol. 4: Revolutionary But Gangsta Grillz
when I saw DJ Drama was hosting this mixtape the first thing I thought was "this is going to be really shitty and commercial" but thankfully I was wrong, and it's quite good considering that its Dead Prez and a Gangsta Grillz mixtape.
"Far From Over" – 3:36
"The Game Is A Battlefield" – 3:21
"Never Turn My Back" – 3:39
"Don't Waste It" – 2:52
"Overdose" – 3:13
"Fear Not The Revolution" – 2:37
"Let The People Be Heard" feat. Estelle – 3:29
Dead Prez - Discography (Solos, Mix Tapes)
Goin thru difficult time
Writin my life story in rhyme
But when I look at all the niggas
They hit with mad time
In proportion with the big king pins it don't fit
You could get caught with barely a half a slab
And the judge sentence you like you ran the ave
I ain't plan to get rich fom sellin that shit
It was survival
My game plan was not to get knocked by 5-0
But who am i
Just a young nigga caught in the mix
And if this weed don't sell i'm'a cop me a brick
Let's Get Free (Dead Prez's debut album):
-"Hip-Hop" -"Who shot Biggie Smalls/If we don't get them they gon' get us all, I'm down for runnin' up on them crackers in they City Hall."
- "Police State"
- "Psychology"
- "Animal in Man" - Retells the George Orwell book Animal Farm.
- "It's Bigger Than Hip-Hop"
- "Psychology"
Revolutionary But Gangsta
I think that this might be their best CD yet. Worth buying and listening to the whole thing CD.- "D.O.W.N." – 2:07
- "Hell Yeah (Pimp the System)" (featuring Blue (vocals)) – 4:12
- "W-4" (featuring Asia Mic) – 4:04
- "Radio Freq" (featuring Sean Cane (scratches)) – 2:51
- "Fucked Up" – 2:43
- "Don't Forget Where U Goin" – 2:09
- "Twenty" (2:22)
Turn off the Radio Vol. 1
"Sellin' D.O.P.E." – 3:24 (This is one of my favorite songs)
Turn Off The Radio: The Mixtape Vol. 2-Get Free Or Die Tryin'
Fuck The LawComing Of Age
Tallahassee Days
Window To My Soul (great song about Stic-Mans brothers addiction to crack cocaine)
Out In The World
Turn Off The Radio Vol.3 “Pulse of the People”
02. Runnin’ Wild03. Don’t Hate My Grind (Feat. Bun B)
04. Warpath (Feat. Ratfink)
13. $timulus Plan
Turn Off the Radio Vol. 4: Revolutionary But Gangsta Grillz
when I saw DJ Drama was hosting this mixtape the first thing I thought was "this is going to be really shitty and commercial" but thankfully I was wrong, and it's quite good considering that its Dead Prez and a Gangsta Grillz mixtape.
"Far From Over" – 3:36
"The Game Is A Battlefield" – 3:21
"Never Turn My Back" – 3:39
"Don't Waste It" – 2:52
"Overdose" – 3:13
"Fear Not The Revolution" – 2:37
"Let The People Be Heard" feat. Estelle – 3:29
Dead Prez - Discography (Solos, Mix Tapes)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Player Hating: Mixtape covers
Player Hating: Mixtape covers
Mixtapes have revolutionized the rap music industry, and allowed lots of great rappers breakthrough and get into the limelight. But if there's one thing I love/hate its mixtape covers. Never have CD covers been so crappy and photoshopped.
Things commonly seen on mixtape covers:
-Cocaine (nothing says mixtape like a couple bricks of blow on the cover)
-Scales (because you gotta have something to weigh out your drugs)
-Nice cars
-Women (usually with nice asses, this is rap were talking about)
-Integration of movie themes

This is the cover of Rick Ross's new mixtape (which the title dick rides the name of a mobster, Ross just loves to use others names to bolster his street cred).
Whats up with the hat and what the hell is he wearing.

Camron Mixtape:
First off you'll notice the Scarface theme with the background colors down to the coke on the table. And of course you got the stacks of money in their to. How original.

This one has your essiential crack rocks, dirty money, and a fire-arm. On a side note this tape looks like crap.

Going with a recent theme of a popular movie.

This should've never have been made. Look how gay this looks, I mean come on jersey shore and mixtapes don't mix. Jersey shore and anything should'nt be mixed.

This combines the cocaine with a movie theme. Cocaine+Nightmare on Elm Street=Nightmare on Coke Street

And of course your scantily clothed ladies with big asses. Do yo thang girls.
Those are some shitty mixtape covers. But hey in an industry where record sales are at an all time low I think we can all agree that when it comes to mixtapes it is what it is.
Mixtapes have revolutionized the rap music industry, and allowed lots of great rappers breakthrough and get into the limelight. But if there's one thing I love/hate its mixtape covers. Never have CD covers been so crappy and photoshopped.
Things commonly seen on mixtape covers:
-Cocaine (nothing says mixtape like a couple bricks of blow on the cover)
-Scales (because you gotta have something to weigh out your drugs)
-Nice cars
-Women (usually with nice asses, this is rap were talking about)
-Integration of movie themes
This is the cover of Rick Ross's new mixtape (which the title dick rides the name of a mobster, Ross just loves to use others names to bolster his street cred).
Whats up with the hat and what the hell is he wearing.
Camron Mixtape:
First off you'll notice the Scarface theme with the background colors down to the coke on the table. And of course you got the stacks of money in their to. How original.
This one has your essiential crack rocks, dirty money, and a fire-arm. On a side note this tape looks like crap.
Going with a recent theme of a popular movie.
This should've never have been made. Look how gay this looks, I mean come on jersey shore and mixtapes don't mix. Jersey shore and anything should'nt be mixed.
This combines the cocaine with a movie theme. Cocaine+Nightmare on Elm Street=Nightmare on Coke Street
And of course your scantily clothed ladies with big asses. Do yo thang girls.
Those are some shitty mixtape covers. But hey in an industry where record sales are at an all time low I think we can all agree that when it comes to mixtapes it is what it is.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Cool Stencils found on the internet (and some penis graffiti)
"On the Yerba Buena approach to St. Francis Wood (or "The Wood" as neighboring residents like to call it) from Westwood Highlands, this cuddly pee pee full of personality says, "Wassup" to drivers and pedestrians alike. And while we would expect such a display from the West Portal approach (pleasant enough, but still in the process of gentrification), we kinda adore the Tupac Lives penis ushering us from one hoity-toity neighborhood to another."

pacman 1 by ~armoredmunkicrew on deviantART
pacman 1 by ~armoredmunkicrew on deviantART
Akri dropping bombs stencil by ~des-frontal on deviantART
Hitman by ~kekepk on deviantART
1Up by ~futzy99 on deviantART
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
How to decrease the size of your music collection
If there is one thing Richard Saunders likes it music. Especially: 2Pac, Mos Def, Dead Prez, The Offspring, and so many others. I love music so much I got that 120 GB ipod. Yeah, its like that.
But having lots of music on your computer can take up a lot of space. With many CD's being at least 90 MB's some even over 150 MB's. But I'll tell you how to convert that CD so it only takes up around 30 MB's with no noticeable loss in quality, and the files can still be put on your Ipod/MP3 player and played on Itunes and Windows media player. Doing this will allow you to put MUCH MORE music in your library and Ipod especially if you got a nano (step your game up to that 60 GB Classic at least).
This process is somewhat time consuming and can be annoying but I believe its worth it.
NOTE: if you want to convert music that you have on your Ipod but not your computer you have to download a program to copy the music from your Ipod to your PC (can't use Itunes for this, Damn you Itunes). I use Sharepod for this, its free, easy to use, and I've never had a problem with it
Open Itunes:
In top menu, Choose EDIT, choose PREFERENCES. Go the tab that says General. Click the the IMPORT SETTINGS: Under Import Using: AAC Encoder. Under settings choose Custom, and you want it to say under Details: 32 kbps (Mono)/ 64 kbps (Stereo), and so on.
When you've done that, your ready to start. Go through your Itunes and select everything you want convert. After selecting what you want to convert left click and choose Create AAC version. If you have a lot of things to convert it may take a while to finish but when its done you'll have the same music with no noticeable loss in quality that takes up at most half that of the original.
Now delete the original MP3 files from yours Itunes/Ipod/PC.
If you want to go one step further and get some good karma points create torrents for the AAC versions and upload them to the internet (I prefer the Pirate Bay), and seed.
Now you can put more music on your MP3 player and computer.
Always remember to support the artists who put out good music (not Souljah Boy, Plies, other crappy rappers, and most importantly those corporate designed acts like Hannah Montana). There are more ways to support the artists then buying their CD's you can go to their concerts or find out their address and sent them like $5.00, which is much more then the 10% they get from their CD's.
And always remember Wu-Tang Clan is for the children
Let the good music never stop playing
But having lots of music on your computer can take up a lot of space. With many CD's being at least 90 MB's some even over 150 MB's. But I'll tell you how to convert that CD so it only takes up around 30 MB's with no noticeable loss in quality, and the files can still be put on your Ipod/MP3 player and played on Itunes and Windows media player. Doing this will allow you to put MUCH MORE music in your library and Ipod especially if you got a nano (step your game up to that 60 GB Classic at least).
This process is somewhat time consuming and can be annoying but I believe its worth it.
NOTE: if you want to convert music that you have on your Ipod but not your computer you have to download a program to copy the music from your Ipod to your PC (can't use Itunes for this, Damn you Itunes). I use Sharepod for this, its free, easy to use, and I've never had a problem with it
Open Itunes:
In top menu, Choose EDIT, choose PREFERENCES. Go the tab that says General. Click the the IMPORT SETTINGS: Under Import Using: AAC Encoder. Under settings choose Custom, and you want it to say under Details: 32 kbps (Mono)/ 64 kbps (Stereo), and so on.
When you've done that, your ready to start. Go through your Itunes and select everything you want convert. After selecting what you want to convert left click and choose Create AAC version. If you have a lot of things to convert it may take a while to finish but when its done you'll have the same music with no noticeable loss in quality that takes up at most half that of the original.
Now delete the original MP3 files from yours Itunes/Ipod/PC.
If you want to go one step further and get some good karma points create torrents for the AAC versions and upload them to the internet (I prefer the Pirate Bay), and seed.
Now you can put more music on your MP3 player and computer.
Always remember to support the artists who put out good music (not Souljah Boy, Plies, other crappy rappers, and most importantly those corporate designed acts like Hannah Montana). There are more ways to support the artists then buying their CD's you can go to their concerts or find out their address and sent them like $5.00, which is much more then the 10% they get from their CD's.
And always remember Wu-Tang Clan is for the children
Let the good music never stop playing
Monday, May 24, 2010
-Crack is whack and crack is cheap (Thanks Whitney Houston)
-Crack epidemic stopped the black panthers movement in its tracks
-If you smoke crack you probably aren't reading this, and probably don't know what a blog is.
-How was D.C.'s mayor caught buying crack in office. I mean a crackhead mayor, thats not good.
-Crack got a few rich beyond their wildest dreams, left a lot of people forgotten about, and many dead.
-Crack made the real Freeway Ricky Ross rich as hell, thanks in part to the CIA.
-Crack will have addicts sucking dick for it.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Funny Craigslist ads
ANTIQUE hand crank Womens vibrating dildo
Because who doesn't want a 70 year old dildo thats been passed on through multiple generations.
UT Girls Not Brave Enough for Secluded Campus Encounters - m4w
Orange Popsicles
If you need orange popsicles (no sugar free bullshit) this is the man to go to.
Costco, Pimp Sticks, Tempura Shrimp, and the Saggy Pantyhose of Delay
This is a classic. I remember reading this a while back and thinking what the hell?
Collection of posts for drugs
Sit in a hot tub full of marinara sauce with me - m4w
Trade gay porn for bookshelf assembly??
Blowjobs for Obama - w4m
She is really dedicated to having Obama in offfice.
An EPIC mount! (warcraft players look inside) - w4m
My old room mate would've jumped on this offer.
Because who doesn't want a 70 year old dildo thats been passed on through multiple generations.
UT Girls Not Brave Enough for Secluded Campus Encounters - m4w
Orange Popsicles
If you need orange popsicles (no sugar free bullshit) this is the man to go to.
Costco, Pimp Sticks, Tempura Shrimp, and the Saggy Pantyhose of Delay
This is a classic. I remember reading this a while back and thinking what the hell?
Collection of posts for drugs
Sit in a hot tub full of marinara sauce with me - m4w
Trade gay porn for bookshelf assembly??
Blowjobs for Obama - w4m
She is really dedicated to having Obama in offfice.
An EPIC mount! (warcraft players look inside) - w4m
My old room mate would've jumped on this offer.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
War On Drugs: DEA Vs. Drug Dealers...... It's going down right now
America has been at war for 40 years, who are we at war with you may ask: Drug Dealers. I will break down this war for you and decide whose the winner.
DEA: The DEA has more equipment then James Bond, and they better with the $10 billion they receive a year. They have helicopters, speedboats, helicopters that can see heat signatures, guns, drug sniffing dogs, and so much more. Actually a couple more billions worth more.
Drug Dealers: The pushers have scales, home meth labs, lots of baggies, guns (not as good as the DEA's in most cases), baking soda (for making crack), lots of baking soda, drug submarines which are one of the newer ways to get Colombia's finest into the suburbs, prepaid cellphones (formerly had beepers), pitt bulls or other attack dogs, and if they're doing really well a Cadillac sitting on spinners.
Winner: DEA
DEA: Don't let the pictures of one or two huge busts fool you; the DEA is not that effective. The DEA is however very effective when it comes to shooting unarmed people during raids (especially if they happen to be black).
Drug Dealers: I can get marijuana easier than alcohol, and the other drugs like coke, ecstasy, LSD, mushrooms, and pills I could get without too much trouble if I had the money and need to buy them. There are drug dealers everywhere so getting drugs is not hard. Drug dealers are however know to be pretty bad about keeping track of time.
Winner: Drug Dealers hands down
DEA: lots but none work for some reason.
Drug Dealers: When boats with coke started getting seized often, smugglers starting using small drug subs that can transport more than 1 ton of coke. Hidden compartments in cars. Drug dealers can also find tons of things to use as a baggie like a page of Good Housekeeping. Drug dealers have now taken to the internet to sell their cocaine on craigslist (Tina turner tickets, ski lift ticket, ski lessons, and tickets in row 420).
Winners: Drug Dealers
People Skills
DEA: The DEA will come to your house to party with you, sometimes really in the morning while your asleep, and as they barge in they might shoot your pets, if not you. Also not to welcome in our Spanish speaking friends to the south's countries. Like to inform the people that if you smoke weed you'll kill a little kid (whether they drown in a pool, or you hit them coming out of the drive thru at a fast food restaurant.
Drug Dealers: Like to ask people if they need drugs. In the ghetto sometimes the big time dealers pay young teens or kids to sell their drugs. This not only teaches these little youngsters about math and business, it also creates jobs and gives little kids in the ghetto a sense a pride that if they sell that whole G pack they'll get $100 dollars. It also has the potential to teach them about the legal system at a young age. Drug dealers also sometimes run sales on their drugs and people love sales, nothing like buy 1 dime sack of crack and get 1 free day (best time to stock up on your crack people, take notes).
Winner: Drug Dealers. You can't beat 2 for 1sales crack, and teaching the kids about money is important.
Picture Moments:
DEA: love to take pictures holding guns standing next to a lot of drugs they took off the streets (usually looking like total D-bags in the pictures).
Drug Dealers: If your a drug dealer you try to avoid picture moments because there's a good chance that picture is a mug shot.
Winner: DEA I'd rather look like a douchebag then be in jail.
Support for the Economy:
DEA: None
Drug Dealers: support strippers, car dealerships, rim shops, Nike, child support, sometimes even give to the community. Nino Brown was passing turkeys out at thanksgiving, Pablo Escobar built nice soccer fields and gave lots of money to the community.
Winner: Drug Dealers Who doesn't wanna make it rain at the strip club, and sit on spinners, and have 15 different pairs of both Air Force 1's and Air Jordans.
And The Winner of the War on Drugs: Drug Dealers
its now settled, the drug dealers won, well actually I think its more like the DEA lost and the drug dealers won by default.
Congratulations local drug sellers across America. You finally won something other then a prison sentence and beating from the cops.
DEA: The DEA has more equipment then James Bond, and they better with the $10 billion they receive a year. They have helicopters, speedboats, helicopters that can see heat signatures, guns, drug sniffing dogs, and so much more. Actually a couple more billions worth more.
Drug Dealers: The pushers have scales, home meth labs, lots of baggies, guns (not as good as the DEA's in most cases), baking soda (for making crack), lots of baking soda, drug submarines which are one of the newer ways to get Colombia's finest into the suburbs, prepaid cellphones (formerly had beepers), pitt bulls or other attack dogs, and if they're doing really well a Cadillac sitting on spinners.
Winner: DEA
DEA: Don't let the pictures of one or two huge busts fool you; the DEA is not that effective. The DEA is however very effective when it comes to shooting unarmed people during raids (especially if they happen to be black).
Drug Dealers: I can get marijuana easier than alcohol, and the other drugs like coke, ecstasy, LSD, mushrooms, and pills I could get without too much trouble if I had the money and need to buy them. There are drug dealers everywhere so getting drugs is not hard. Drug dealers are however know to be pretty bad about keeping track of time.
Winner: Drug Dealers hands down
DEA: lots but none work for some reason.
Drug Dealers: When boats with coke started getting seized often, smugglers starting using small drug subs that can transport more than 1 ton of coke. Hidden compartments in cars. Drug dealers can also find tons of things to use as a baggie like a page of Good Housekeeping. Drug dealers have now taken to the internet to sell their cocaine on craigslist (Tina turner tickets, ski lift ticket, ski lessons, and tickets in row 420).
Winners: Drug Dealers
People Skills
DEA: The DEA will come to your house to party with you, sometimes really in the morning while your asleep, and as they barge in they might shoot your pets, if not you. Also not to welcome in our Spanish speaking friends to the south's countries. Like to inform the people that if you smoke weed you'll kill a little kid (whether they drown in a pool, or you hit them coming out of the drive thru at a fast food restaurant.
Drug Dealers: Like to ask people if they need drugs. In the ghetto sometimes the big time dealers pay young teens or kids to sell their drugs. This not only teaches these little youngsters about math and business, it also creates jobs and gives little kids in the ghetto a sense a pride that if they sell that whole G pack they'll get $100 dollars. It also has the potential to teach them about the legal system at a young age. Drug dealers also sometimes run sales on their drugs and people love sales, nothing like buy 1 dime sack of crack and get 1 free day (best time to stock up on your crack people, take notes).
Winner: Drug Dealers. You can't beat 2 for 1sales crack, and teaching the kids about money is important.
Picture Moments:
DEA: love to take pictures holding guns standing next to a lot of drugs they took off the streets (usually looking like total D-bags in the pictures).
Drug Dealers: If your a drug dealer you try to avoid picture moments because there's a good chance that picture is a mug shot.
Winner: DEA I'd rather look like a douchebag then be in jail.
Support for the Economy:
DEA: None
Drug Dealers: support strippers, car dealerships, rim shops, Nike, child support, sometimes even give to the community. Nino Brown was passing turkeys out at thanksgiving, Pablo Escobar built nice soccer fields and gave lots of money to the community.
Winner: Drug Dealers Who doesn't wanna make it rain at the strip club, and sit on spinners, and have 15 different pairs of both Air Force 1's and Air Jordans.
And The Winner of the War on Drugs: Drug Dealers
its now settled, the drug dealers won, well actually I think its more like the DEA lost and the drug dealers won by default.
Congratulations local drug sellers across America. You finally won something other then a prison sentence and beating from the cops.
Drug dealers,
War on Drugs,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Gulf coast oil spill: big oil screws gulf coast
On April 20th a blowout well on a oil rig off the Gulf Coast blew up and caused a massive oil spill. First off, how corrupt are our elected officials that they would allow oil companies drill off-shore with little to virtually no government oversight. I mean how did they let that happen, because the oil companies ignored multiple safety procedures. Now almost a month later the companies involved are still pointing the finger at each other trying to pass off the blame so they don't have to pay damages and take responsibility. I mean why doesn't the government hold them all accountable. This was supposed to be a safe procedure, and there were supposed to be many safeguards all which weren't effective. This spill is going to hurt if not eliminate the fishing industry in the gulf coast for at least this year. Also this is going to wreak havoc on the eco system as well. Tourism along the ocean will also be effective since I doubt people will want to go to a beach that is oil slick brown, that isn't to appealing to me at least.
Since the upper executives at Transocean and BP were negligent in this being prevented lets fine them an outrageous amount because you know that will get their attention. They better pay for: the clean-up, effected businesses and industries, repairing the ecosystem, and a huge settlement to the families of those people who died on the explosion on the rig (I'm talking more than 10 Mil).
Also if the oil companies raise the gas prices on us because of this, boy I swear we better go to their offices and fuck their shit up. I'm not paying for their mistake. I had nothing to do with that, you know what I was doing on the 20th of April and it damn sure wasn't causing a oil spill.
Why are we still using oil when we could use hemp, and grow it here creating American jobs.
Also we need to find out who the politicians were who supported this and probably took some money from the oil companies. And we need to make sure not to elect these people again. Our politicians should not be this corrupt, and we need to do something about it. And I'm thinking some 19th century style justice.
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