Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cool Stencils found on the internet (and some penis graffiti)

"On the Yerba Buena approach to St. Francis Wood (or "The Wood" as neighboring residents like to call it) from Westwood Highlands, this cuddly pee pee full of personality says, "Wassup" to drivers and pedestrians alike. And while we would expect such a display from the West Portal approach (pleasant enough, but still in the process of gentrification), we kinda adore the Tupac Lives penis ushering us from one hoity-toity neighborhood to another."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to decrease the size of your music collection

If there is one thing Richard Saunders likes it music. Especially: 2Pac, Mos Def, Dead Prez, The Offspring, and so many others. I love music so much I got that 120 GB ipod. Yeah, its like that.

But having lots of music on your computer can take up a lot of space. With many CD's being at least 90 MB's some even over 150 MB's. But I'll tell you how to convert that CD so it only takes up around 30 MB's with no noticeable loss in quality, and the files can still be put on your Ipod/MP3 player and played on Itunes and Windows media player. Doing this will allow you to put MUCH MORE music in your library and Ipod especially if you got a nano (step your game up to that 60 GB Classic at least).

This process is somewhat time consuming and can be annoying but I believe its worth it.

NOTE: if you want to convert music that you have on your Ipod but not your computer you have to download a program to copy the music from your Ipod to your PC (can't use Itunes for this, Damn you Itunes). I use Sharepod for this, its free, easy to use, and I've never had a problem with it

Open Itunes:
In top menu, Choose EDIT, choose PREFERENCES. Go the tab that says General. Click the the IMPORT SETTINGS: Under Import Using: AAC Encoder. Under settings choose Custom, and you want it to say under Details: 32 kbps (Mono)/ 64 kbps (Stereo), and so on.

When you've done that, your ready to start. Go through your Itunes and select everything you want convert. After selecting what you want to convert left click and choose Create AAC version. If you have a lot of things to convert it may take a while to finish but when its done you'll have the same music with no noticeable loss in quality that takes up at most half that of the original.
Now delete the original MP3 files from yours Itunes/Ipod/PC.

If you want to go one step further and get some good karma points create torrents for the AAC versions and upload them to the internet (I prefer the Pirate Bay), and seed.
Now you can put more music on your MP3 player and computer.

Always remember to support the artists who put out good music (not Souljah Boy, Plies, other crappy rappers, and most importantly those corporate designed acts like Hannah Montana). There are more ways to support the artists then buying their CD's you can go to their concerts or find out their address and sent them like $5.00, which is much more then the 10% they get from their CD's.

And always remember Wu-Tang Clan is for the children

Let the good music never stop playing

Monday, May 24, 2010


-Crack is whack and crack is cheap (Thanks Whitney Houston)
-Crack epidemic stopped the black panthers movement in its tracks
-If you smoke crack you probably aren't reading this, and probably don't know what a blog is.
-How was D.C.'s mayor caught buying crack in office. I mean a crackhead mayor, thats not good.
-Crack got a few rich beyond their wildest dreams, left a lot of people forgotten about, and many dead.
-Crack made the real Freeway Ricky Ross rich as hell, thanks in part to the CIA.
-Crack will have addicts sucking dick for it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Funny Craigslist ads

ANTIQUE hand crank Womens vibrating dildo
Because who doesn't want a 70 year old dildo thats been passed on through multiple generations.

UT Girls Not Brave Enough for Secluded Campus Encounters - m4w

Orange Popsicles
If you need orange popsicles (no sugar free bullshit) this is the man to go to.

Costco, Pimp Sticks, Tempura Shrimp, and the Saggy Pantyhose of Delay
This is a classic. I remember reading this a while back and thinking what the hell?

Collection of posts for drugs

Sit in a hot tub full of marinara sauce with me - m4w

Trade gay porn for bookshelf assembly??

Blowjobs for Obama - w4m
She is really dedicated to having Obama in offfice.


An EPIC mount! (warcraft players look inside) - w4m
My old room mate would've jumped on this offer.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

War On Drugs: DEA Vs. Drug Dealers...... It's going down right now

America has been at war for 40 years, who are we at war with you may ask: Drug Dealers. I will break down this war for you and decide whose the winner.
DEA: The DEA has more equipment then James Bond, and they better with the $10 billion they receive a year. They have helicopters, speedboats, helicopters that can see heat signatures, guns, drug sniffing dogs, and so much more. Actually a couple more billions worth more.

Drug Dealers: The pushers have scales, home meth labs, lots of baggies, guns (not as good as the DEA's in most cases), baking soda (for making crack), lots of baking soda, drug submarines which are one of the newer ways to get Colombia's finest into the suburbs, prepaid cellphones (formerly had beepers), pitt bulls or other attack dogs, and if they're doing really well a Cadillac sitting on spinners.

Winner: DEA

DEA: Don't let the pictures of one or two huge busts fool you; the DEA is not that effective. The DEA is however very effective when it comes to shooting unarmed people during raids (especially if they happen to be black).

Drug Dealers: I can get marijuana easier than alcohol, and the other drugs like coke, ecstasy, LSD, mushrooms, and pills I could get without too much trouble if I had the money and need to buy them. There are drug dealers everywhere so getting drugs is not hard. Drug dealers are however know to be pretty bad about keeping track of time.

Winner: Drug Dealers hands down

DEA: lots but none work for some reason.

Drug Dealers: When boats with coke started getting seized often, smugglers starting using small drug subs that can transport more than 1 ton of coke. Hidden compartments in cars. Drug dealers can also find tons of things to use as a baggie like a page of Good Housekeeping. Drug dealers have now taken to the internet to sell their cocaine on craigslist (Tina turner tickets, ski lift ticket, ski lessons, and tickets in row 420).

Winners: Drug Dealers

People Skills
DEA: The DEA will come to your house to party with you, sometimes really in the morning while your asleep, and as they barge in they might shoot your pets, if not you. Also not to welcome in our Spanish speaking friends to the south's countries. Like to inform the people that if you smoke weed you'll kill a little kid (whether they drown in a pool, or you hit them coming out of the drive thru at a fast food restaurant.

Drug Dealers: Like to ask people if they need drugs. In the ghetto sometimes the big time dealers pay young teens or kids to sell their drugs. This not only teaches these little youngsters about math and business, it also creates jobs and gives little kids in the ghetto a sense a pride that if they sell that whole G pack they'll get $100 dollars. It also has the potential to teach them about the legal system at a young age. Drug dealers also sometimes run sales on their drugs and people love sales, nothing like buy 1 dime sack of crack and get 1 free day (best time to stock up on your crack people, take notes).

Winner: Drug Dealers. You can't beat 2 for 1sales crack, and teaching the kids about money is important.

Picture Moments:
DEA: love to take pictures holding guns standing next to a lot of drugs they took off the streets (usually looking like total D-bags in the pictures).

Drug Dealers: If your a drug dealer you try to avoid picture moments because there's a good chance that picture is a mug shot.

Winner: DEA I'd rather look like a douchebag then be in jail.

Support for the Economy:
DEA: None

Drug Dealers: support strippers, car dealerships, rim shops, Nike, child support, sometimes even give to the community. Nino Brown was passing turkeys out at thanksgiving, Pablo Escobar built nice soccer fields and gave lots of money to the community.

Winner: Drug Dealers Who doesn't wanna make it rain at the strip club, and sit on spinners, and have 15 different pairs of both Air Force 1's and Air Jordans.

And The Winner of the War on Drugs: Drug Dealers

its now settled, the drug dealers won, well actually I think its more like the DEA lost and the drug dealers won by default.

Congratulations local drug sellers across America. You finally won something other then a prison sentence and beating from the cops.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Gulf coast oil spill: big oil screws gulf coast

On April 20th a blowout well on a oil rig off the Gulf Coast blew up and caused a massive oil spill. First off, how corrupt are our elected officials that they would allow oil companies drill off-shore with little to virtually no government oversight. I mean how did they let that happen, because the oil companies ignored multiple safety procedures. Now almost a month later the companies involved are still pointing the finger at each other trying to pass off the blame so they don't have to pay damages and take responsibility. I mean why doesn't the government hold them all accountable. This was supposed to be a safe procedure, and there were supposed to be many safeguards all which weren't effective. This spill is going to hurt if not eliminate the fishing industry in the gulf coast for at least this year. Also this is going to wreak havoc on the eco system as well. Tourism along the ocean will also be effective since I doubt people will want to go to a beach that is oil slick brown, that isn't to appealing to me at least.
Since the upper executives at Transocean and BP were negligent in this being prevented lets fine them an outrageous amount because you know that will get their attention. They better pay for: the clean-up, effected businesses and industries, repairing the ecosystem, and a huge settlement to the families of those people who died on the explosion on the rig (I'm talking more than 10 Mil).
Also if the oil companies raise the gas prices on us because of this, boy I swear we better go to their offices and fuck their shit up. I'm not paying for their mistake. I had nothing to do with that, you know what I was doing on the 20th of April and it damn sure wasn't causing a oil spill.
Why are we still using oil when we could use hemp, and grow it here creating American jobs.
Also we need to find out who the politicians were who supported this and probably took some money from the oil companies. And we need to make sure not to elect these people again. Our politicians should not be this corrupt, and we need to do something about it. And I'm thinking some 19th century style justice.

Textbook publishers and College bookstores: pimping students 101

College textbooks are expensive, very expensive. They can easily run in the $150 range and thats for some used books. University bookstores offer buy-back programs but they pay a fraction of what the book cost you. (I bought a book new for $75, used it 1 quarter, and it was still in good condition, and the bookstore bought it back for $15). The whole system exploits students so greedy publishers and bookstores can make money. Its a messed up system but people still buy their books at the bookstore, but I say we take a stand and say Fuck you greedy publishers, and bookstores. Now I think authors of textbooks should be paid but I would guess not to much of the money goes to them after everyone takes their chunk. I would rather get a book on CD that I could have on my laptop and pay $15 then buy a book for $100+ that when I go to sell back will be worth $20. This would also save so many trees.

College students were being ripped off, a book should not cost over $100. It's a book, and they usually release a new one every 1 or 2 years. Its a bullshit industry, and were the one's being shitted on. Many classes just take the stuff from the book and put it on powerpoints so buying the book is not really even worth it.

People we need to start bootlegging textbooks and selling that like the dude on the corner selling bootlegged CD's. Maybe this will make the book companies take a more fair approach that is more affordable to students.
Education should not be a way to make lots of money, it should be about giving students the tools to improve the world.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Miami University Had The Pukiest, Poopiest, Sexiest Spring Formal Ever

Miami University in Oxford, Ohio which is the alma mater of Ben Rapelisberge, fuck it I'll just post the story.


This is the best article about this messed up party, includes letter written to school and police reports.

-who poops outside, and it wasn't just one person.
-They left behind 37 30 packs of Nati Light. Either their lightweights which if you got people pooping outside I mean that speaks for itself.
-These students are such assholes with no respect for others property. Just because you rented the place doesn't mean you can destroy it; I know some people in frats and sororities think they can get away with anything but this is to much. Personally I think these students should be expelled from school. There's no place for that kind of behavior at a place of higher education, and this is from someone who by no means stays out of trouble, I just know when to much is to much.
-These people's parents should all be notified and sent a copy of the letters because I'm sure their parents are paying them to be in these organizations.
-Greek organizations should be under tighter watch and scrutiny, and should be banned from hazing. I don't see why to show your loyalty you have to let people treat you like shit and take advantage of you.
-Have some damn class. Girls peeing in sinks, people taking shits outside, having sex in the caterers closet. and if I worked at that place I would've called the cops on those kids.
-America's college and high school students do not know how to drink safely.
-Youth these days drink to much and smoke marijuana less. If these kids were high none of this would've happened.... okay not a lot of it.

-As an American college student its time we start acting like the leaders of tomorrow. I'm not saying we can't drink some beer, or smoke some weed but people shouldn't be going out drinking everyday during the week. As Americans we have a lot of opportunities but it seems like we don't wanna take advantage of them.
Knowledge is power, and we need to get power. Its no wonder the terrorist hate us, I mean turn on MTV, BET, or so many other cable channels. Were filling ourselves with ignorance. Students these days don't have the balls to protest for injustices, or stand up and fight for their rights.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sex for a case of chips

THIS is Lahoma Sue Smith, 36, up before the Beak accused of exchanging sex in a car for $30 case of Frito-Lay crisps.

She is found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $1,142, which works out at just over 38 boxes of crisps.

The case features in the police reports, as officers spot Smith “trying to catch a date” by flashing her headlights.

Officers said they followed Smith’s car and found her with her blouse open and found a man in the passenger seat pulling his pants up. The man told police he was having marital problems and knew he could pick up a prostitute there.

Smith told police the man told her he was looking for company but he didn’t have any money, so she agreed to be paid with a $30 case of Frito-Lay chips he had in the back of his car.

-What would she do for a steak.
-Her pimp is probably morbidly obese.
-She must really like chips or dick, maybe both.
-The recession has hit the prostitution market.
-Does she also trade sex for coupons.
-Did the cops take the chips as evidence.
-I wonder how the judge overseeing the case kept from laughing.
-Someone should really look into getting her some food stamps.
-More proof Americans have a problem with junk food.
-Ho business and snack food business officially joined hands.
-The guy tried bribing the cop, and judge with a box of Lays chips.
-Now they suck dick for more then crack, for junk food.
-She should've had sex for a gym membership.
-When will I be able to pay for weed with food.
-Frito-Lays should really take of advantage of this I can see the Billboards: Frito-Lay crisps so good now accepted as payment for sex. Frito-Lay crisps prostitutes like them so you know they're good.This lady should be on some Frito-Lay crisps commercials. I mean what a product testimonial.
-When she gets done with her legal issues everyone starts bringing her food for sex.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Professional Athletes making babies

NBA players take more paternity tests then jumpshots.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Player hating on Puff Daddy, Diddy, or whatever he goes by these days

First off Puff Daddy is a great entrepreneur, and business man. With that said....

-1st off Puff ruined so many of Biggies songs by just talking on them like he was a DJ or some shit. Okay you didn't hear Suge on Snoop, Dre, or Pac's records. Puff no one really cares about you, or what you think about beef. I think Puff should release Biggies CD's without his dick riding Biggie, because that shit was so annoying.
-Diddy your not that good of a rapper. You have maybe 5 good songs
All About the Benjamins
Been Around the World
Victory (which had BIG and Busta on it)
I'll Be Missing You
Thats all I can think of. Stick to money and less about rap, cause your rhymes are crap.
-Your name. Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, Diddy, Ciroc Obama. Pick a damn name, and no one cares about your names you cocky wannabe gangster. Your not a thug or a OG. And I wish the Lox (Jadakiss, Styles P, Sheek Louch) would have whipped your ass.
-The gay ass wardrobes you and the bad boy family would be wearing in music videos looking like a crack head that just stole some stuff from a ski shop.
-Shyne: man, Diddy you left Shyne out to take the charges and responsibilty from that nightclub shooting, and Shyne says your bitchass hasn't even visited him. Diddy if thats true, thats fucked up. That was your man and I'm sure he could've testified against you or something but he took the charges like a stand up OG, and you can't even visit him. The way you left Shyne out to dry was worse than snitching, you let your man who fired those shots in your defense go to jail. Diddy that's a punk move.
-And lastly you may have beat Suge Knight in the Westcoast Eastcoast beef between managers, but Suge Knight would murder your lil ass if you guys ever fought.
But Diddy you been making money, and successful so hey I would love to have Sean Combs money, but just stay out the booth.
And let Biggie rest in peace and stop dick riding him to the grave.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The News and mass media

As you may know I wrote Poor Richard's Almanac so I'm qualified to give my thoughts.

The media controlls picks what they want to show us. They share the facts that are going to shock or suprise us. It's a business and their profit is depending on good ratings and reporting stuff that the people are going to want to hear.

-After the Fort Hood shooting, All the major cable networks were saying the gun man was dead. They did this for around two hours I believe. I happened to be turning on the TV and saw the headlines and closely watched as what happened played out.
(Victims of the shooting Rest In Peace, you were courageous to be willing to go to war and defend your country and you were taken in such a tragic way. The government didn't do enough to protect the soldiers.)
Even an official army spokesperson said in a conference that he was dead. Then later they all said he was alive and at the hospital, and there was never really a explaintion. It seemed like they had to have known he was alive. I don't know if something fishy happened or what but our media is so biase. Your daily local news is generally not biase but the cable ones now all have so many close corporate ties who have close ties with another influential person.
Our country is far from perfect. Were in a recession, and our president just bailed out the crooks, and so many labor jobs are being exported, cigarette's are nine dollars a pack in New York. If they increase the taxes so its over $11 a pack people are just going to start smoking crack.

Why doesn't our government have more stuff about 9/11 pubicly available. All the real shit is classified. I mean there's alot of stuff we don't know about 9/11. The stuff they want us to know doesn't add up. It's a shame that all these people die and the government whose supposed to protect us and inform us is covering what ever actually happened up.

Why didn't the media do more coverage on the CIA flying coke in to funnel cash to armed insurgents. The CIA brought blow into the country and flooded the streets with cocaine and many of those streets happened to be black. All that shit should get more media coverage. Our government leaders need to be held accountable.

The government has became a company. Commercial prison industry, thats the worst idea ever. If were paying for prisoners to be incarcerated I want our government to be trying harder to help prisoners get GED's or learn about a trade so they don't go do the same shit then my ass whose working a legal job that has taxes pays for this dumb ass to be locked up. The politicians just privatize everything and get kick backs.

If we as citizens keep letting the media spoonfeeding us what it wants us to know, and don't look for the truth and hold our leaders responsible for corruption, mistakes, or other errors then they will keep happening. Without the truth how are we supposed to stop another terrorist attack like 9/11, a disaster like Hurricane Katrina, a war as dumb as the war in Iraq, and the War on Drugs. Corporate fraud like were seeing in the banking/housing industries, Exxon pays $0 in taxes, yes $0. They wire their money to countries with less taxes. But we average Joe's have to pay income and sales tax, but one of the largest companies that pollutes our air pays nothing. Even the kid working at a burger joint pays more taxes then Exxon.
We needs more Michael Moore's and as gay as that sounds its true, at least he tells it like it is, and you can hate on him as long as you want but until you make a movie as enterntaining and informing as bowling for colombine, Michael Moore is better then you.

And I love America, my family and friends are Americans, and I love the country but our government needs serious change, we need to legalize somethings (Hemp, and Marijuana), do somethings better, stop doing other things, and tell the truth about some other things. I think our founders would not have thought that the country they worked so hard to create would contain the injustices that are present 200+ years later. Our younger citizens now are going need to fight for some changes and stop electing leaders based on an allegence with 1 of 2 parties.