Saturday, May 8, 2010

The News and mass media

As you may know I wrote Poor Richard's Almanac so I'm qualified to give my thoughts.

The media controlls picks what they want to show us. They share the facts that are going to shock or suprise us. It's a business and their profit is depending on good ratings and reporting stuff that the people are going to want to hear.

-After the Fort Hood shooting, All the major cable networks were saying the gun man was dead. They did this for around two hours I believe. I happened to be turning on the TV and saw the headlines and closely watched as what happened played out.
(Victims of the shooting Rest In Peace, you were courageous to be willing to go to war and defend your country and you were taken in such a tragic way. The government didn't do enough to protect the soldiers.)
Even an official army spokesperson said in a conference that he was dead. Then later they all said he was alive and at the hospital, and there was never really a explaintion. It seemed like they had to have known he was alive. I don't know if something fishy happened or what but our media is so biase. Your daily local news is generally not biase but the cable ones now all have so many close corporate ties who have close ties with another influential person.
Our country is far from perfect. Were in a recession, and our president just bailed out the crooks, and so many labor jobs are being exported, cigarette's are nine dollars a pack in New York. If they increase the taxes so its over $11 a pack people are just going to start smoking crack.

Why doesn't our government have more stuff about 9/11 pubicly available. All the real shit is classified. I mean there's alot of stuff we don't know about 9/11. The stuff they want us to know doesn't add up. It's a shame that all these people die and the government whose supposed to protect us and inform us is covering what ever actually happened up.

Why didn't the media do more coverage on the CIA flying coke in to funnel cash to armed insurgents. The CIA brought blow into the country and flooded the streets with cocaine and many of those streets happened to be black. All that shit should get more media coverage. Our government leaders need to be held accountable.

The government has became a company. Commercial prison industry, thats the worst idea ever. If were paying for prisoners to be incarcerated I want our government to be trying harder to help prisoners get GED's or learn about a trade so they don't go do the same shit then my ass whose working a legal job that has taxes pays for this dumb ass to be locked up. The politicians just privatize everything and get kick backs.

If we as citizens keep letting the media spoonfeeding us what it wants us to know, and don't look for the truth and hold our leaders responsible for corruption, mistakes, or other errors then they will keep happening. Without the truth how are we supposed to stop another terrorist attack like 9/11, a disaster like Hurricane Katrina, a war as dumb as the war in Iraq, and the War on Drugs. Corporate fraud like were seeing in the banking/housing industries, Exxon pays $0 in taxes, yes $0. They wire their money to countries with less taxes. But we average Joe's have to pay income and sales tax, but one of the largest companies that pollutes our air pays nothing. Even the kid working at a burger joint pays more taxes then Exxon.
We needs more Michael Moore's and as gay as that sounds its true, at least he tells it like it is, and you can hate on him as long as you want but until you make a movie as enterntaining and informing as bowling for colombine, Michael Moore is better then you.

And I love America, my family and friends are Americans, and I love the country but our government needs serious change, we need to legalize somethings (Hemp, and Marijuana), do somethings better, stop doing other things, and tell the truth about some other things. I think our founders would not have thought that the country they worked so hard to create would contain the injustices that are present 200+ years later. Our younger citizens now are going need to fight for some changes and stop electing leaders based on an allegence with 1 of 2 parties.

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