Monday, April 26, 2010

Great TV shows to check out

In no particular order, Some of these you may of heard of but I believe they are all worthy of you checking out:
Curb Your Enthusiam
The Boondocks
The Wire
The Sopranos
Halfway Home
The Life and Times of Tim
Reno 911
Breaking Bad
Chappelle Show
Criminal Minds
Sons of Anarchy
South Park

I'm sure are others I forgot but whatever.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Good Stuff........ Pass it on

You may have seen those commercials for The Foundation For a Better Life. They're kinda lame and really hope our tax dollars aren't paying for them. Here's one in the link below:
As you'll see in the end it says: The Good Stuff..... Pass It On
You would think the producer of that commercial could've thought of something that wouldn't also be seen as possibly pormoting marijuana use.

All I know is when I got the good stuff and I'm with my friends I pass it on.

KFC fighting cancer, one bucket of chicken at a time

You may have seen the KFC commercial saying that for every bucket of chicken sold for however long they will donate 50 cents to some cancer organization.

I am all for fighting cancer but maybe this isn't the best way to do it, KFC should find a way to fight cancer without creating a bunch of obese people.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Smokers are losing their rights to smoke every day. The prices of cigs are sky-rocketing, but I, Richard Saunders got some ways for you to save money on cigarettes.
But first a disclaimer: Smoking is bad for you, and you shouldn't smoke. Its somewhat addicting, although I know people who can quit very easily. But overall message of disclaimer: smoking isn't good for your health.

  • Sign up at . Camel will send you coupons every one to two months for $2.50 off any Camel pack of cigs. Yesterday I got a pack with a coupon and it was $2.23. Yeah, that's a great price compared to over $5.
  • You can sign up at Native Spirit's website and they'll send you 2 $10 off coupons, so you can get 2 packs which are usually $6 a pack, for $2 for both packs. You could even had multiple people sign up and use the coupons for you and get lots of cigs for cheap.
And smokers its time to fight for our right to be able to smoke. America was founded on Tobacco, slavery, greed, and freedom (but not for black people?) and I'll be damned if we keep letting people tell us where we can and can't smoke.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tight blog post about Biggie's death.

I thought this was pretty interesting. Still can't believe no one has been arrested. One of the biggest (no pun intended) examples of police corruption. LAPD just didn't give a fuck.

Coroner: Dr. Dre's Son Died From Overdose of Heroin and Morphine

This old but I never heard about what he actually OD'ed on. Damn, herion. If people would just be satified with weed, alcohol, shrooms, and stopped messing with that coke, herion, and pills.

Chronicles of Creeper Carl (my old roommate)

not going to use actual room mates name. We'll call him Creeper carl which someone from my floor used to call him because he was so weird. Just going to give you some interesting things:
-At the beginning of the school year he asked me if I would get him steriods like three times. (Steriods? who the hell do I look like Jose Conesco)
-Told me that in his Japanese class their was a person who looked like female but he thought it could've been a dude. Thought this was "kinda hot." Asked me what I thought "It is what it is" (in my head: they have a penis, so........)
-Instead of a backpack walked around with a Jordan man purse.
-One of those people who ate Doratoes and drank Mountain Dew all night while playing World of Warcraft.
-Had more friends on the internet then in real life.
-One of those people who played way to many MMRPGS online, because of limited real freinds.
-Once bought a Magic the Gathering (dont know if thats right?) or Dungeons and Dragons set and went with his sister to some frat house to play.
-For the first two months of school I thought his twin sister was his girlfriend.
-Literally spent way to much time with sister. Kinda creepy, if you ask me. (I'm just saying he regularly didn't even sleep in the room so I dont know)
-Bought a stolen laptop from his cousin. Even showed me pictures on the computer of the girl it was stolen from. (not to bad looking, was a naughty cop one year for halloween). Laptop had a line going down the screen, and missing one of the various F keys. (not trying to get in trouble but dude snitched on me like a bitch.)
-Coming back from winter break some how didn't realize he packed the AIRSOFT SHOTGUN he got for Christmas. Don't think he realized how much trouble you can get in for having a loaded airsoft gun in the dorm. Didn't even take it home for like a month. What a dumbass, how don't you notice that.
-Would eat peanutbutter by itself, off his finger.
-Got 2 litters of pop and would drink like 8 sips then not refrigerate them and just leave them out for weeks.
-Thought he was so good at speaking japanese. I mean he thought he was awesome. One day I was getting ready to go to class and he was asleep and I woke him up and was like "hey don't you have a class" and he replied "just Japanese and I'm like a beast at that" I laughed at him.
-Just to fuck with him sometimes I would ask him "hey dude I was just wondering if you got a little Asian in you. I know your white but you look like you got some asian in you".
-The first day I met him when we moved in the dorm he went to take a shower and FORGOT his towel, and had to tell some random person in the bathroom to go knock on our door and ask me to give them his towel. Yeah, so i just thought this kid is a fucking idiot. How do you forget a towel.
-One time lost his shoes in another kids room and couldn't find them for like 6 hours.
-On multiple occaisins left his clothes in the bathroom after showering. I dont know. I'm just saying it happened. It is what it is.
-One of those people who has probably seen every episode of: The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, American Dad, King of the Hill, and other shows like those.
-Went to a highliter party and got highliter on his shirt and was scared to have his mom wash it because he thought she would be mad at him. Said this a couple times. (what the hell?)
-Brought a phone from home but our phone jacks didn't work. Kept phone plugged in until Januarary.
-Sometimes had some of the worst gas I've ever smelled, and me, myself have had some very pugnant gas, but sometimes I was just like damn, did you eat a vietanamese family.

As you can probably tell I'm not a fan of him, but hey everyone is unique. And I'm just glad I'm lucky enough to get to go to college.
But Creeper Carl this one is for you.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ben Roethlisberger is just creepy

Interesting article. Ben Roethlisberger has some issues, and if your a father tell your daughter if she see's Ben Roethlisberger to get out the mace and run so she won't be raped as well.

What the hell? Man accused of vomiting on girl at game

Man accused of vomiting on girl at game
PHILADELPHIA -- A New Jersey man is facing charges after police say he intentionally vomited on an 11-year-old girl and her father in the stands during a Philadelphia Phillies game.

Twenty-one-year-old Matthew Clemmens, of Cherry Hill, N.J., was arraigned Friday on charges stemming from his behavior at Wednesday night's Phillies-Nationals game.

Police say Clemmens made himself vomit on an off-duty police captain and his daughter after a companion was kicked out for unruly behavior.

Easton police Capt. Michael Vangelo says he saw Clemmens put his fingers down his throat. Philadelphia police say Clemmens also punched Vangelo and vomited on an arresting officer.

Clemmens is in custody on charges including assault and harassment. Bail is $12,000. His listed phone number is disconnected.

What was this guy thinking. Throwing up on a cops daughter is a bad idea.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sarah Palin: The Ultimate Hustler

Warning: If you like Sarah Palin just stop reading right here and go to different website. You will be offended!

So I got that out of the way. Sarah Palin has earned $12 Million in 9 months( doing her speaking engagements around the country and even internationally. Sarah Palin is the picture of corrupt and crappy politicians. She resigned as governor of Alaska (Does anyone vote in Alaska or was the other candidate a junkie or something) because she "couldn't do her job because of ethics investigations." I think she resigned because she knew that she was about to get in trouble for something and she knew she could make money doing what she is doing now. How bad is that. If the people vote for you; you finish your term. You don't resign because your about to get in trouble. Also Palin totally ruined McCains campaign. McCain was old, if he died I would not want Sarah Palin to run this country. Its not because she's a woman, its because she is retarded and just out for the money, and she would make us look dumber then Bush did. Even her campaign advisers said that she wasn't prepared, didn't know her info, and had to call Joe Biden, Joe in their debate because she kept saying his last name as Obiden.
Sarah get that money while you can. Personally I would never pay to see you speak, or probably go if it was free. You pretty much just tell the audiences what they want to hear: "we don't want Obama's change", "we need to take the government back". She is a sell out, and anyone who votes for her in the future is dumb.
She's just so damn greedy, why don't you talk to the people for free you power and money hungry hockey mom.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Catholic Priest picture

Funny Chris Henry Picture..... (R.I.P.)

Ipad: my thoughts (Ibad)

The Ipad just recently came out. If you haven't seen an ipad on the news or television its a oversized Ipod touch. One thing is for sure: people probably won't lose this.

(side note: Why do I feel like before Apple released the Ipod, Apple had a marketing meeting that went something like "You guys, sales are down, were losing our customer base. We need a new marketing gimmick, Something thats short and simple. and someone raised their hand and said "we could add the letter i to our product names". Does apple own the letter I now.

The letter I: Apple's plan to take down Windows)

I've never used a Ipad (hell, I've never used an iphone, or itouch) but I already hate the ipad and i hope no one buys it except old people who would lose a itouch.

The Ipad in my belief has a hidden agenda: Itunes intend to control the market of digital books. The one thing the Ipad looks usefull is reading books, newspapers, or magazines. I'm sure Apple is going to try to corner those markets so it can make people buy books through Itunes to read on their Ipad. Itunes is Apples secret way of trying to profit off of everything we would download. Its so annoying downloading something on Itunes. You can only put it on x amounts of ipods, can only be on one computer. I'd rather just download stuff for free (illegally) then deal with Itunes annoying digital rights management crap.

I hate Itunes. Its not a good program, its a store, disguised as a media management program. Its uses so much memory. I could keep going on but I will player hate on Itunes some other time (Itunes, Don't think you've been let off this easy)
I would only get an Ipad if my parents were turning 60-70 because you know damn well they would lose an Itouch. The Ipad should only be purchased for the elderly, or people who want to waste money.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

NFL All Criminal Team

QB- This is not even debatable. MICHAEL VICK. Mike is a great scrambler and a fast quarterback.
Criminal Credibility: Bankrolled the infamous dog fighting organization Bad Newz Kennelz, and also participated in training the dogs as well as killing dogs that under performed.
Extra Credit: got in trouble for trying to sneak a fake bottle of water with a stash compartment onto a plane. Authorities claimed it smelled like marijuana.

Back up: Ben Roethlisberger: as much as I dislike Ben I will say I think the first girl pulled a Kobe but the second and most recent one, Ben you know you did that shit. Your possibly the one football player who maybe should go to the strip club, because you'll probably end up saving some money. I mean you had your bodyguard blocking the bathroom where you were, and the girl in question hit her head pretty badly. Come on, your a professional athlete use some good judgement.

Running Back
RB Coach- O.J. Simpson- One of the original NFL hoodlums.
RB: Cedric Benson- When he isn't getting DUI's on land and on water, Cedric Benson is a solid runner. Cedric is a strong, and explosive running back; according to the cops who arrested him for DUI while he was driving a boat not even pepper spray can stop this running back.
Ronnie Brown- You just got a DUI so you got something to work with.
MAURICE CLARETT- Maurice Clarett makes Pacman Jones, Ben Roethlisberger, and the whole Bengals team look like smart good people. Clarett had the world by his balls until
"Ohio State later suspended Clarett for the 2003 athletic year after he was charged with filing a false police report. Clarett had filed a false claim that more than $10,000 in clothing, CDs, cash and stereo equipment were stolen from a car he borrowed from a local dealership in September 2003."
Yeah Maurice that doesn't sound sketchy at all. How do borrow a car from a dealership,Who are you O.J. Mayo.
Then you decided to rob someone in Columbus for $150 and a cell phone.
1. Did you think people in Columbus wouldn't recognize you. You were one of the most promising OSU players in a long time. You could've at least wore a mask.
2. $150 and a cellphone, are you kidding. Did you use the money for crack and beer.
3. You spent much more on a lawyer then you made. Much more

"In the early morning hours of August 9, 2006, Clarett was arrested in Columbus after he made an illegal U-turn and led the police on a chase in a sports utility vehicle reportedly belonging to his uncle. After Clarett drove over a police spike strip, the chase ended in a nearby restaurant parking lot.[19][20]

Police said they were forced to secure a cloth around Clarett's mouth after he allegedly spit at the officers and called them "niggers" during the arrest. According to Columbus Police Sgt. Mike Woods, the officers discovered a katana, a loaded AK-47 variant and two other loaded handguns in his vehicle along with an open bottle of Grey Goose vodka.[21] The police requested that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives perform a trace on the firearms to determine if Clarett violated Federal gun laws.

The officers used mace to subdue Clarett after attempts to subdue him with a Taser proved ineffective because he was wearing Kevlar body armor."

"Clarett, who was due to be tried for his January arrest, was in the neighborhood of one of the principal witnesses against him at the time the events of August 9 occurred."

If your going to kill a witness are you that incompetent that you need a bulletproof vest. and how many guns, AND A SWORD. Ninja Please!

Wide Reciever:
Chris Henry: You passed away but your on the team. Only you, could make a city wonder "is this guy fucking retarded or just a thug". You got arrested at the night club for pointing a pistol at a cop WHILE WEARING YOUR JERSEY (I'm sorry but thats just dumb and badass at the same time).
and how could I forget how your madness got started: Pulled over in Northern Kentucky and you had weed in your sock. No big deal on that one, who doesn't keep a little bit of weed in their sock.
Then you got in trouble for supplying underage girls with beer at a hotel. I won't lie that didn't look to good. It was then that Cincinnati was like what is next.
-The Newport on The Levee parking incident:
"A police report indicates that Henry and his acquaintance allegedly became argumentative with a parking attendant when Henry was asked to pay for parking his 2007 Land Rover.

The report states that an altercation ensued when Henry and another person started arguing with a parking attendant. According to the report, Henry allegedly threw a $5 bill on the ground and yelled an obscenity at the parking attendant.

According to the report, a shoving match ensued and then Henry and his acquaintance and drove over the Taylor Southgate Bridge into Cincinnati after the attendant told them they were going to call police if Henry and his acquaintance did not leave.

The report states Henry and his acquaintance returned to the scene and were told by police they were banned from Newport on the Levee and were asked to leave.

The parking attendant said while in an elevator, Henry and his acquaintance began yelling obscenities after they returned."
Rest In Peace

Plexico Buress: Hey I got a good idea, I'll go to a club and drink and socialize, and Imma put my ice on, can't get robbed so I gotta take the pistol. I don't have a holster, well because when your dumb enough to take a illegal gun to an alcohol serving establishment a holster just ins't that big of a concern. You shot yourself and your lucky that no one else got hurt. But your on the team.

Jeff Reed: Reed was cited by police on the night of February 14, 2009, for disorderly conduct and criminal mischief for destroying a paper towel holder in a bathroom at a Sheetz convenience store in New Alexandria, Pennsylvania.[9] Reed was reportedly angry that the men's restroom was out of paper towels. He pleaded guilty to the two summary offenses and was fined $543.50.[10]

Reed was cited again for public intoxication related charges on October 18th, 2009, hours after the team defeated the Cleveland Browns, and later apologized to his team for his conduct. Straight crazy for a kicker.

Defense coming soon

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What makes Americans ignorant

Here's a list I compiled of things that make Americans ignorant:

-Most reality shows. Especially ones starring rappers (Flava of Love, Pimp my Ride, etc). I don't think I've ever heard someone intelligent from a reality show with a rapper in it other than possibly T.I.'s show but that show wasn't even that good. Its not just rappers generally if its a reality show that follows a celebrity you should be doing something like exercising or something useful. Any reality show pretty much on MTV is ignorance filled like Jersey Shore. Shows like that make the U.S. look fucking retarded. Shows that involve dancing, singing, or surviving on a island that is actually occupied (yeah I'm talking to you Survivor, you should have been cancelled like 3 years ago). We need more shows like Jeopardy, at least that show rewards intelligence.

-Rappers who get their 15 minutes of fame from making a song with a dumb dance. Souljah boy you need to have your vocal cords removed and anyone who bought your CD should not be able to reproduce. Rappers have become so gay, not all but alot (speaking of dumb, Snoop you need to retire. You haven't had a solid CD since Doggystyle which was your first CD so do the math).

-Fox News. Yes, Fox News does report the facts of stories, but just the ones they want to report. Fox News get off Republicans and corporations dicks. How did Sarah Palin get her own show? Fox news is seriously the most biased news channel around. The only time I watch Fox News is because its funny because of how bad reporting it is.

-Sarah Palin. Its not that your a female, its just your kinda stupid. And you covered up your daughters pregnancy and said it was yours, which is some bullshit. McCain made the worst choice as picking you as a running mate. You are mighty good looking though. Also your ethics are questionable seeing your political past. So your not really a maverick your just another plotician out there for fame and money. The book, honestly your just trying to cash in on your 15 minutes of fame. People Like Sarah Palin are the reason muslim extrimists hate Americans. In Sarah Palin's debate with Joe Biden she asked Biden at the beginning if she could call him Joe, WHY? Because according to campaign workers who prepared her for the debate she kept saying Obiden while talking about Joe Biden.

-Dumb Athletes. Pacman Jones did you think making it rain would lead to anything good and who takes $100,000 in bills to a strip club during NBA All-Star weekend. That has bad news written all over it. Michael Vick, Antoine Walker, Chris Henry (R.I.P.), Mike Tyson, Tiger Woods, and Ben Roethlisberger among others.

-Soap Operas. Honestly read a damn book.

-Republicans and Democrats. Anyone who is exclusively for one party is an idiot. People think independently and research the issue then come to your own opinion.

-R. Kelly. You pissed on a girl and video taped it. You love them young, any real fan of yours need to take away your camcorder.

-People who thought Obama was going to fix the country. Hope is nice, so is change but you can only change so much and hope is out the window.

-Wal-Mart. Lets face it. Wal-Mart is the low point of our country. The only good thing about Wal-Mart is going there to make myself feel better about my life when I see the people there.

-SUV's. You shouldn't be driving a SUV unless your actually going off roading. If not your just a stuck up soccer mom who thinks their to good for a minivan.

-Fast food. Creating fat people everyday.

-Saw movies. Honestly in this day and age why do people pay to see such a classless movie. Read a book.

-Gun Violence. Stop being pussies and use a knife or your fists. And someone scuffing your shoes or saying something about your momma, or babies momma is not a good enough reason to kill someone. Who cares; stop being so damn emotional.

-Cops. Not every black person is reaching for a gun. and stop using your damn tasers on everyone, cause your scared. Treat people with some damn respect to, just because you have a badge doesn't mean anything other then you don't fight fair.

-Twilight. You got famous by riding Harry Potter's dick all the way to the bank. When I say read a book I'm not talking about twilight.

-Alcohol. Let's face it no one is dumber then a drunk person.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Cleveland Browns nose tackle Shaun Rogers arrested Thursday at Hopkins International Airport after a loaded gun was found in his carry-on luggage

Come on Shaun Rogers! A gun at a airport in your carry on luggage. Have you ever flown; you know they have metal detectors. How stupid can you be, even Mike Vick had enough sense to have someone else carry his water bottle that had a secret stash spot for "jewelry"
See So damn funny

Did Rogers think: Um well I need to catch this flight and I got my gun. What should I do I could take it on my carry on luggage. At least he didn't put it in his waist and have it go off while at the security checkpoint because those airport ppeople with guns would've lit up his black ass like Snoop Dogg lights up blunts. He would've been shot at more than Sean Bell (R.I.P.).

And you can't say I didn't know I couldn't have a gun on a plane.

Metal detectors you dumb ass what did you think was going to happen. Why is it that airports are not athletes best friend.

Come on Damon Stoudamire, tin foil is metal. It will set off a metal detector. So when trying to sneak your weed onto a plane probably not good idea to put it in something that will set off the metal detector.

To all professional athletes when at the airport leave your guns and other illegal items at home and remember that airports have metal detectors so if you are going to be a dumbass and bring illegal stuff with you on the plane make sure it isnt metal. And Damon put that weed in a zip lock bag and you should probably put your bud in the pocket of some clothes in your checked baggage.

I don't know thats just what I would do