Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Smokers are losing their rights to smoke every day. The prices of cigs are sky-rocketing, but I, Richard Saunders got some ways for you to save money on cigarettes.
But first a disclaimer: Smoking is bad for you, and you shouldn't smoke. Its somewhat addicting, although I know people who can quit very easily. But overall message of disclaimer: smoking isn't good for your health.

  • Sign up at . Camel will send you coupons every one to two months for $2.50 off any Camel pack of cigs. Yesterday I got a pack with a coupon and it was $2.23. Yeah, that's a great price compared to over $5.
  • You can sign up at Native Spirit's website and they'll send you 2 $10 off coupons, so you can get 2 packs which are usually $6 a pack, for $2 for both packs. You could even had multiple people sign up and use the coupons for you and get lots of cigs for cheap.
And smokers its time to fight for our right to be able to smoke. America was founded on Tobacco, slavery, greed, and freedom (but not for black people?) and I'll be damned if we keep letting people tell us where we can and can't smoke.

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