Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What makes Americans ignorant

Here's a list I compiled of things that make Americans ignorant:

-Most reality shows. Especially ones starring rappers (Flava of Love, Pimp my Ride, etc). I don't think I've ever heard someone intelligent from a reality show with a rapper in it other than possibly T.I.'s show but that show wasn't even that good. Its not just rappers generally if its a reality show that follows a celebrity you should be doing something like exercising or something useful. Any reality show pretty much on MTV is ignorance filled like Jersey Shore. Shows like that make the U.S. look fucking retarded. Shows that involve dancing, singing, or surviving on a island that is actually occupied (yeah I'm talking to you Survivor, you should have been cancelled like 3 years ago). We need more shows like Jeopardy, at least that show rewards intelligence.

-Rappers who get their 15 minutes of fame from making a song with a dumb dance. Souljah boy you need to have your vocal cords removed and anyone who bought your CD should not be able to reproduce. Rappers have become so gay, not all but alot (speaking of dumb, Snoop you need to retire. You haven't had a solid CD since Doggystyle which was your first CD so do the math).

-Fox News. Yes, Fox News does report the facts of stories, but just the ones they want to report. Fox News get off Republicans and corporations dicks. How did Sarah Palin get her own show? Fox news is seriously the most biased news channel around. The only time I watch Fox News is because its funny because of how bad reporting it is.

-Sarah Palin. Its not that your a female, its just your kinda stupid. And you covered up your daughters pregnancy and said it was yours, which is some bullshit. McCain made the worst choice as picking you as a running mate. You are mighty good looking though. Also your ethics are questionable seeing your political past. So your not really a maverick your just another plotician out there for fame and money. The book, honestly your just trying to cash in on your 15 minutes of fame. People Like Sarah Palin are the reason muslim extrimists hate Americans. In Sarah Palin's debate with Joe Biden she asked Biden at the beginning if she could call him Joe, WHY? Because according to campaign workers who prepared her for the debate she kept saying Obiden while talking about Joe Biden.

-Dumb Athletes. Pacman Jones did you think making it rain would lead to anything good and who takes $100,000 in bills to a strip club during NBA All-Star weekend. That has bad news written all over it. Michael Vick, Antoine Walker, Chris Henry (R.I.P.), Mike Tyson, Tiger Woods, and Ben Roethlisberger among others.

-Soap Operas. Honestly read a damn book.

-Republicans and Democrats. Anyone who is exclusively for one party is an idiot. People think independently and research the issue then come to your own opinion.

-R. Kelly. You pissed on a girl and video taped it. You love them young, any real fan of yours need to take away your camcorder.

-People who thought Obama was going to fix the country. Hope is nice, so is change but you can only change so much and hope is out the window.

-Wal-Mart. Lets face it. Wal-Mart is the low point of our country. The only good thing about Wal-Mart is going there to make myself feel better about my life when I see the people there.

-SUV's. You shouldn't be driving a SUV unless your actually going off roading. If not your just a stuck up soccer mom who thinks their to good for a minivan.

-Fast food. Creating fat people everyday.

-Saw movies. Honestly in this day and age why do people pay to see such a classless movie. Read a book.

-Gun Violence. Stop being pussies and use a knife or your fists. And someone scuffing your shoes or saying something about your momma, or babies momma is not a good enough reason to kill someone. Who cares; stop being so damn emotional.

-Cops. Not every black person is reaching for a gun. and stop using your damn tasers on everyone, cause your scared. Treat people with some damn respect to, just because you have a badge doesn't mean anything other then you don't fight fair.

-Twilight. You got famous by riding Harry Potter's dick all the way to the bank. When I say read a book I'm not talking about twilight.

-Alcohol. Let's face it no one is dumber then a drunk person.

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