Friday, April 2, 2010

Cleveland Browns nose tackle Shaun Rogers arrested Thursday at Hopkins International Airport after a loaded gun was found in his carry-on luggage

Come on Shaun Rogers! A gun at a airport in your carry on luggage. Have you ever flown; you know they have metal detectors. How stupid can you be, even Mike Vick had enough sense to have someone else carry his water bottle that had a secret stash spot for "jewelry"
See So damn funny

Did Rogers think: Um well I need to catch this flight and I got my gun. What should I do I could take it on my carry on luggage. At least he didn't put it in his waist and have it go off while at the security checkpoint because those airport ppeople with guns would've lit up his black ass like Snoop Dogg lights up blunts. He would've been shot at more than Sean Bell (R.I.P.).

And you can't say I didn't know I couldn't have a gun on a plane.

Metal detectors you dumb ass what did you think was going to happen. Why is it that airports are not athletes best friend.

Come on Damon Stoudamire, tin foil is metal. It will set off a metal detector. So when trying to sneak your weed onto a plane probably not good idea to put it in something that will set off the metal detector.

To all professional athletes when at the airport leave your guns and other illegal items at home and remember that airports have metal detectors so if you are going to be a dumbass and bring illegal stuff with you on the plane make sure it isnt metal. And Damon put that weed in a zip lock bag and you should probably put your bud in the pocket of some clothes in your checked baggage.

I don't know thats just what I would do

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