Monday, April 12, 2010

Ipad: my thoughts (Ibad)

The Ipad just recently came out. If you haven't seen an ipad on the news or television its a oversized Ipod touch. One thing is for sure: people probably won't lose this.

(side note: Why do I feel like before Apple released the Ipod, Apple had a marketing meeting that went something like "You guys, sales are down, were losing our customer base. We need a new marketing gimmick, Something thats short and simple. and someone raised their hand and said "we could add the letter i to our product names". Does apple own the letter I now.

The letter I: Apple's plan to take down Windows)

I've never used a Ipad (hell, I've never used an iphone, or itouch) but I already hate the ipad and i hope no one buys it except old people who would lose a itouch.

The Ipad in my belief has a hidden agenda: Itunes intend to control the market of digital books. The one thing the Ipad looks usefull is reading books, newspapers, or magazines. I'm sure Apple is going to try to corner those markets so it can make people buy books through Itunes to read on their Ipad. Itunes is Apples secret way of trying to profit off of everything we would download. Its so annoying downloading something on Itunes. You can only put it on x amounts of ipods, can only be on one computer. I'd rather just download stuff for free (illegally) then deal with Itunes annoying digital rights management crap.

I hate Itunes. Its not a good program, its a store, disguised as a media management program. Its uses so much memory. I could keep going on but I will player hate on Itunes some other time (Itunes, Don't think you've been let off this easy)
I would only get an Ipad if my parents were turning 60-70 because you know damn well they would lose an Itouch. The Ipad should only be purchased for the elderly, or people who want to waste money.

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