Sunday, July 18, 2010

America's Justice System for the Wealthy,-95.677068&sspn=32.335236,78.662109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=8740+Old+Indian+Hill+Rd,+Cincinnati,+Hamilton,+Ohio+45243&ll=39.162011,-84.340539&spn=0.01544,0.038409&z=15

Schlotman, listed as a Sibcy Cline Realtor at the time of his February arrest, was charged with selling marijuana from the home in the 8700 block of Old Indian Hill Road.

He pleaded guilty April 7 to four counts of trafficking in marijuana in exchange for having three other charges dismissed by prosecutors. A Hamilton County grand jury also declined to issue indictments on two other drug trafficking charges brought by prosecutors.

When Schlotman came before the judge Wednesday, she could have sent him to prison for up to four years but the charges against him, the lowest-level felonies in Ohio, carry the presumption of probation.

The judge said she was encouraged to hammer Schlotman because of his background but refused.

"I sort of tend to agree with many people (who) think that you have to pay the price, and that you've just been a lucky, wealthy, rich boy from Indian Hill and that I should be punishing you for that reason, (that) I would make a scapegoat out of you," Allen said.

Allen believes Schlotman is an alcoholic who also is addicted to marijuana.

In addition to the three years on probation, the judge also ordered him under house arrest for 90 days, suspended his driver's license for three years and ordered him to pay restitution of $1,476 - the amount of money he accepted from the undercover agent to whom he sold marijuana.

She warned him that if he violated his probation, she would send him to prison for four years.

Schlotman had legal troubles before. He was caught speeding and with a suspended license in Indian Hill in 2006. He refused a test that would have determined the amount of alcohol in his system and his license was revoked for three years.

ordered him to pay restitution of $1,476 - the amount of money he accepted from the undercover agent to whom he sold marijuana. $1,476 in 1 transaction; he was obviously selling lots of weed and he gets probation. This kid wasn't selling drugs to pay rent I mean he was living in the million dollar house his mom was selling. His parents most have paid a lot for his lawyer. I wonder if the drug dealer who can't get a job, and is actually forced to sell drugs for money because thats all they know.

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