Monday, July 12, 2010

Lebron's Decision

We now know Lebron's choice of where he will be playing next year, the Heat. As a Ohio resident I was disappointed that he didn't stay in Cleveland but business is business and the free market is a bitch. I think he will have a better chance of getting a ring in Miami but I think he handled the whole situation very poorly. Through out the whole process it was clear that Lebron was milking this for all he could, and that showed us a side of Lebron that wasn't seen before. An egotistical douche bag. Lebron stabbed the city of Cleveland in the back in front of the whole country. Also lets remember that while Lebron is one of the best players in the NBA at the moment he still doesn't have a ring and when he's close to getting one he seems to ruitinely choke. In the playoffs against the Celtics he did horrible in the last couple games, and whether the thing about his mom and Delonte West is true a real superstar can keep their emotions from affecting their game. Also Lebron will now be sharing the spotlight with D-Wade and that will be interesting to see if he can play the role of a Scottie Pippen. Many of basketballs greats stayed in one city for their careers and have had a loyalty to their city, and that isn't the case for Lebron anymore. One thing we can take from this is Lebron is becoming the athlete we used to love him for not being. We can now question whether he wants to build his brand or play the game. One thing is for sure though: Lebron still doesn't have anything on Kobe, and I'm sure many people like Kobe more than they used to.

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