Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Vick vs. Roethlisberger vs. Russell

Vick: Bankrolled dog fighting operation, and took part in killing of dogs who underperformed. Had birthday party which was open to public and his co defendant from dog fighting case got shot. Gave some lady an STD (Ron Mexico!).
Roethlisberger: The NFL's biggest Creeper. Loves to drink, expose himself, and rape women in bathrooms. Like his play on the field; Roethlisberger is a master of avoiding getting sacked by the cops like linebackers. Also a fan of riding his motorcycle with no helmet.
Jarmarcus Russell: One of the biggest draft busts in sports history was busted again recently by police for having codiene without a prescription.

Winner: Vick hands down. Russell comes in last place because he was moving slow cause of that Purple Drank.

Winner: Roethlisberger takes this. Russell couldn't throw a football to save his life anymore. Vick may have speed but his arm has always been a concern although he is much better than Russell.

Vick: Fuck Yall, I keep it real.
Roethlisberger: Buy them some drinks, get them drunk, and make one give me a quickie. (Rules don't apply to NFL QB's)
Russell: Life's a bitch, I miss college.

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