Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Apple Ipod/Itunes: a love and deep hatred relationship. How we must DEMAND MORE

My dad's 80GB Ipod Classic is somewhat broke (yeah, 80 GB, we do it big around here). The Ipod got messed up when I updated my Itunes and for some reason Itunes decided it was going to fuck up a lot of people's Ipod Classics. Now Itunes wont recognize the Ipod (while Windows Explorer recognizes it), so now I can't add/remove any music. Now, I can't put new music on his Ipod, because of ITUNES, and Apple wants me to pay to talk to customer service. I don't know if other people think this way but if I'm going to spend $150+ on an MP3 player I want it to not be broken by the software I'm required to use it with. Apple wants us to have to buy a new ipod every 2+ years and hopes we'll just get used to them breaking out of warranty and having to repeat the process. IPODS should last 10+ years, battery replacements necessary of course.
My complaints against Apple/Itunes/Ipod:
  • Little to no customer service after warranty expires.
  • Itunes has messed up lots of Ipods (Especially Classics and Nano) and people have had to waste time trying to fix them and the problem still hasn't been fixed, and thats Apple's fault. I shouldn't have to get a new MP3 player because your required software is defective.
  • Requiring users to use Itunes. I like certain things about Itunes (ex. I love podcasts), but Itunes takes up a lot of memory, and can make the computer operate slower. ALSO ON ITUNES YOU CAN'T TAKE MUSIC OFF A IPOD.
  • Apple and their stores do not try to help police recover Ipods that are stolen, and usually wont help people who bring in a lost ipod get it to the owner who lost it. This isn't a huge deal, but Ipods are often stolen and or lost, and there's little you can do once its stolen or lost.
My praises for Apple/Itunes/Ipod:
  • Podcasts. I love the variety of podcasts available on Itunes and the internet. I think podcasts have really played a role in Apple separating the Ipod from other MP3 players. Podcasts are free! Also many radi0 stations now make shows available as podcasts.
  • Ipod simplicity. The Ipod is easy to use, small, and light.
  • I can put videos (TV, Movies, Sports, or any video) onto my ipod and watch them on the TV with just a cheap cable from eBay. This is so useful.

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